The Widows Get a Break, But Bigamy Better Beware

Mexico revamps widows' pensions! Now common-law wives get pensions after 2 years (not 5!), but no more double-dipping for lovers. Remarriage penalty is toast, and Fovissste gets a power boost.

The Widows Get a Break, But Bigamy Better Beware
Fovissste gets a power-up! The social security housing program for government workers in Mexico gains more authority.

In a move that would make Victorian gossips clutch their pearls, the Social Security Commission of Mexico, led by the formidable Representative Angélica Ivonne Cisneros Luján, has thrown a wrench into the age-old institution of widow's pensions. This reform, as baffling as it is consequential, rewrites the rules for who qualifies for these vital financial lifelines.

Gone are the days of six-month marital chastity clauses! The commission has slashed the waiting period for non-marital partners (or "concubines" as the legalese politely terms them) from a hefty six months to a more manageable two years. This brings Social Security law into line with the Civil Code, effectively legitimizing long-term partnerships outside of wedlock.