AMLO Takes on Argentina's Debt and Plans South American Soiree

This news story covers AMLO's morning conference, featuring updates on various topics including upcoming commemorations, cabinet changes, heat waves, electoral plans, foreign debt, agriculture, international visits, and more.

AMLO Takes on Argentina's Debt and Plans South American Soiree
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) addresses the media during his morning conference, providing updates on a range of topics including cabinet changes, electoral plans, and international visits.

The irrepressible AMLO kicked off his morning conference with a bang, delivering a cascade of updates on a variety of topics. With his signature style and no-nonsense attitude, the President covered everything from commemorative events to cabinet changes and scorching heat waves. Let's dive into the highlights of this spirited session.

To mark the upcoming fifth anniversary of Morena's triumph in the presidential elections, AMLO revealed plans for a commemorative event in Mexico City's Zócalo. "You cannot omit a date like this, it is very important," he emphasized. The celebration, scheduled for 5:00 p.m., promises to be a jubilant affair because, as the head of the Federal Executive proclaimed, "we are well and in good spirits."

In a surprising announcement, AMLO introduced Marath Baruch Bolaños López as the new Secretary of Labor. Currently serving as Undersecretary in the same agency, Bolaños López has been at the helm of the highly successful "Jóvenes Construyendo el Futuro" program. With his youthful energy and a generational shift, he is expected to bring a fresh perspective to the role.

Shifting gears to a hot topic, quite literally, AMLO addressed the ongoing heat wave in Mexico. Remarkably, there have been no reported deaths due to the scorching temperatures. Sonora's governor, Alfonso Durazo Montaño, chimed in, assuring that heavy rains are on the horizon for the state after enduring the extreme heat. The Secretary of Health, Jorge Alcocer, also stepped in to emphasize the preparedness of health authorities in dealing with such weather phenomena, pledging to issue information to prevent heat-related damages.

AMLO then turned his attention to a contentious project proposed by Minister Javier Laynez, which could potentially invalidate the electoral Plan "B." The President's response? Not surprised in the least, as he believes the Judicial Power is a mere servant of the elite. He reiterated his call for a reform in the selection process of court members, vowing to present an initiative before the end of his administration. Refusing to meet the fate of his predecessor, Ernesto Zedillo, who disowned the ministers and compensated them, AMLO made it clear that change is on the horizon.

Ever the statesman, AMLO waded into international waters, criticizing the loans made to Argentina by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). He blamed the United States for supporting these loans, highlighting the South American nation's inability to repay them. The President expressed his willingness to sign a letter of support for Argentina, urging the IMF to take responsibility for its actions.

Addressing a domestic concern, AMLO shed light on the white corn situation in Mexico. He reaffirmed the decision to purchase one and a half million tons of white corn from small and medium-sized producers in Sinaloa. To safeguard the health of Mexicans, the use of transgenic corn for human consumption will not be allowed, with measures being implemented to control the entry of transgenic white corn into the country. A minor discrepancy with the US Government looms, but AMLO declared his commitment to defending the health of his compatriots.

In an exciting announcement, AMLO unveiled his upcoming visit to South America. He disclosed plans to be in Chile on September 11, marking the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President Salvador Allende during General Augusto Pinochet's coup d'état. Recalling Mexico's unwavering support for the people persecuted by the Chilean dictatorship, AMLO emphasized the fraternal relations between the two countries. Before arriving in Chile, he expressed his intention to stop by Colombia, with a trip to Canada scheduled for November.

Turning the spotlight on the upcoming 2024 elections, AMLO declared a new stage where nepotism and favoritism would have no place. He reassured the public that neither his close family members nor himself are involved in the selection process for his successor. However, he couldn't help but express his delight at the profiles of those vying for the presidential seat within Morena. On the opposition front, he cheekily noted that they have yet to define their procedure for choosing a candidate, with approximately 50 aspirants mysteriously staying mum.

Ever one to rally against the establishment, AMLO once again aimed at the media. He lambasted them as "manipulation media" while referencing a recent article by El País, which exposed the illicit management of funds by Enrique Peña Nieto's lawyer, Juan Collado. The President alleged that the Mexican media deliberately avoided publishing the damning piece to protect their interests. No stranger to controversy, AMLO minced no words in his condemnation of such practices.

Shifting gears to matters of justice, AMLO informed the audience about his second letter to the President of Israel, urging collaboration in the extradition of Tomás Zerón. The former head of the Criminal Investigation Agency (AIC) during the Peña Nieto era faces allegations of torture in the infamous Ayotzinapa case. AMLO expressed his indignation at the possibility of human rights violations being overlooked for the sake of financial gain, urging Israel not to succumb to such transactions.

In a rare show of support for the legal system, AMLO applauded the arrest of Judge Angélica Sánchez Hernández from Veracruz. He criticized judges, magistrates, and ministers who allegedly act without rectitude and honesty, granting freedoms to alleged criminals in a manner he deems "completely atypical." Citing the arrest of Sánchez Hernández, accused of crimes against public faith and influence peddling, the President emphasized that it is the responsibility of the Prosecutor's Office and the judges to determine the truth.

Steering the conversation towards education, AMLO highlighted the progress made in the addiction prevention campaign by the Secretary of Public Education, Leticia Ramírez Amaya. Under the motto "From the school to the community," this comprehensive effort involves teachers, parents, and families. AMLO stressed the collective responsibility to tackle addiction and praised the dedication of those involved.

The morning conference wrapped up with updates on the progress of the IMSS Bienestar program in various states. The governors of Baja California Sur, Sinaloa, Sonora, Colima, Tlaxcala, and Nayarit shared their positive experiences with the program, underscoring improved access to medical services and the free provision of specialized treatments. They lauded the efforts to federalize health care, ensuring job security for health workers and a more comprehensive range of services.