AMLO's Critique on Judges Living La Vida Loca

AMLO's morning politics in Culiacán featured controversies on Acapulco's death toll, tax victories against giants like Walmart, and a theatrical critique of judges earning more than the President.

AMLO's Critique on Judges Living La Vida Loca
AMLO's morning conference leaves a lasting impression on the political stage, blending controversy with charisma.

In the early hours of the day, as the sun lazily crawled above Culiacán, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) took center stage, blending politics with a hint of quirky editorial style that only he could pull off. As the curtain rose, AMLO fired up the political turntables, dropping beats that ranged from Acapulco to taxes, with a few spins on the judicial dancefloor.

In a tweetstorm of controversy, AMLO bashed media outlets for turning Acapulco's tragedy into a soap opera. He took a swipe at a particular tweet suggesting a staggering 350 victims of “Otis,” defending the official count of 48 casualties. In a Shakespearean twist, he demanded Televisa to face the music, accusing them of orchestrating misinformation.


Switching gears, AMLO threw shade at tax-evading giants, revealing that even the retail giants like Walmart and Oxxo coughed up billions under his watch. He boasted about the 85% hike in the minimum wage, turning the economic stage into a fiesta of fiscal responsibility.


Cue the dramatic sound effects. AMLO, ever the showman, raised the curtain on judges and magistrates living the high life, earning more than the President himself. He claimed they were playing fast and loose with the Constitution, turning the judiciary into a Shakespearean tragedy where the lead actors earn more than the king.


In a plot twist worthy of a telenovela, AMLO applauded Marcelo Ebrard for sticking to the script after internal party disputes. The President declared Ebrard a “responsible and consistent” actor, proving that in the politics, personal interests must sometimes take a back seat to the grand orchestra of the nation.

Claudia Sheinbaum

AMLO passed the baton to Claudia Sheinbaum, an “environmental maestro” who allegedly banished environmental contingencies in Mexico City to just two days. Sheinbaum now takes center stage, endorsed by AMLO, as the conductor of the green movement.

INAI Exposed

With a sly grin, AMLO uncovered the National Institute of Transparency's secret soirée, where officials allegedly spent citizens' money at a bar. Two officials resigned, and AMLO enjoyed the show, proving that transparency sometimes involves exposing the party expenses.

Sinaloa's Drama

AMLO wrapped up the act with crime statistics from Sinaloa. Governor Rocha Moya, seemingly pleased with the federal government's financial investments, applauded the Santa María dam and a multi-billion-peso canal system. The drama continued with discussions about security and the alleged mismanagement of the Autonomous University of Sinaloa.

As the curtain falls on this morning's political theater, only one question remains: What beats will AMLO drop next in his political mixtape? Stay tuned, Mexico.