AMLO's Hot Take on Justice, Media, and Maize

Authorities spotlighted judges exhibiting favoritism towards criminals. Intentional homicide rates saw a decrease of 19.9% in July. The President emphasized non-intervention in elections. Discussions about transgenic corn with the U.S. are ongoing, focusing on potential health implications.

AMLO's Hot Take on Justice, Media, and Maize
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador addresses the nation during his morning conference at the National Palace.

In the latest morning conference led by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) from the National Palace, several pressing issues were discussed, highlighting the administration's commitment to justice, security, and public welfare:

Judiciary Scrutiny: An intense spotlight was cast on numerous judges for alleged misconduct. Authorities exposed several cases where judges are believed to have favored criminals. For instance, Eduardo Alberto Osorio Rosado has now been formally accused of crimes against the administration of justice. Others, like Judges José Luis Hernández Hernández and Daniel Ramírez Peña, have reportedly shown bias in cases involving the illicit exploitation of national assets and illegal fuel theft, respectively. Further emphasis was laid on the broader issues of poor performance within the Judiciary, particularly concerning delays in proceedings involving large taxpayers.

National Security: The Secretary of National Defense, Luis Cresencio Sandoval, presented a detailed security report covering the period between August 8 to 21. The report lauds the efforts of the National Guard and the Army, emphasizing the seizure of weapons, narcotics, and the dismantling of illegal laboratories. An interesting initiative highlighted was the first contact medical attention service in remote areas like the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, which has already served 7,000 individuals.

Crime Rates: Rosa Icela Rodríguez, Secretary of Security and Citizen Protection, brought forth encouraging statistics indicating a nearly 20% decline in intentional homicides in July, marking it the most peaceful July in the past six years. The President also touched upon the significant reduction, by 94.3%, in the theft of hydrocarbons.

Elections and Media: AMLO stated unequivocally the Federal Government's non-interference in electoral processes. He criticized the media for perceived bias against his administration, suggesting that they were motivated by financial interests rather than journalistic integrity.

Legal and Judicial Delays: The President expressed frustration over the prolonged detention of files by officials like Minister Luis María Aguilar, emphasizing the substantial revenue at stake.

Education: López Obrador passionately discussed the Free Textbooks program, denouncing attempts by some state leaders to halt its progress. He expressed pride in supporting public education and combating discrimination and corruption.

Economic Opportunities: The President discussed the Mayan Train project, which promises to boost tourism and provide economic opportunities for local communities. He also emphasized the importance of preserving native corn varieties and expressed concerns over the health implications of transgenic corn.

International Relations: On the international front, AMLO addressed Texas Governor Greg Abbott's recent move to place buoys in the Bravo River, a move criticized for encroaching on Mexican territory. Similarly, the Governor of Florida's confrontational stance towards Mexico was denounced as inappropriate and discriminatory.

Missing Youths in Jalisco: The conference concluded with an update on the investigation of missing youths in Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco, underscoring the commitment to transparency and accuracy.

In summary, the conference portrayed the López Obrador administration as actively addressing various pressing challenges, from judicial reforms and national security to education and international relations. The emphasis remained on justice, public welfare, and national integrity.