AMLO's Media Drama, Peso Pinching and Truth Telling

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) highlighted savings from not pandering to the media. He criticized past administrations for inflated media costs, and alleged media extortion. He also addressed false news, specifically denouncing reports related to Jalisco disappearances.

AMLO's Media Drama, Peso Pinching and Truth Telling
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador addresses media concerns during his morning conference at the National Palace.

This morning, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) held his regular conference from the National Palace, addressing a slew of topics ranging from media relationships to national investments and the upcoming inauguration of a new state airline. Here are the primary takeaways:

Media Relations and Accusations

AMLO accused the media of taking advantage of previous administrations by charging up to five times their regular service rates. He emphasized the role of media owners in influencing such practices and reiterated his government's commitment to resist undue influence.

The President debunked a recent claim of additional disappearances in Jalisco, citing the significance of social networks in refuting false news.

Ana Elizabeth García Vilchis, spokesperson for the “Who's Who in the Lies of the Week,” debunked various other misleading news stories. Among them were false claims regarding a military officer plotting to rob the Mint, and the spread of inaccurate images portraying the AIFA as flooded, which was actually an airport in Frankfurt, Germany.

Economic Developments

AMLO stated investments have been made in crude oil exploration, leading to the discovery of new oil deposits. He criticized the previous administration's approach, focusing on profitable contracts without due attention to exploration. Octavio Romero, CEO of Pemex, has been confirmed to stay out of politics until this administration concludes.

Speaking of the nation's economic potential, the President underscored the vast tourist potential in the southeast, mentioning the imminent inauguration of the Tulum airport. He also highlighted the commercial advantages in the north due to its proximity to the United States. The President proudly pointed out that Mexico City is now one of the safest cities globally.

Judicial and Legislative Matters

The President expressed concerns over the budgetary excesses of the Judiciary. He believes that they have overstepped their budget and mentioned potential constitutional reforms.

Free Textbooks became a point of contention. AMLO criticized the speed with which controversies against the school materials were resolved, specifically pointing out the delayed action on a large taxpayer file by Minister Luis María Aguilar Morales.

New Mexican State Airline

  • The Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) will use financial leasing to acquire planes for a new state airline. AMLO expressed optimism about the success of the airline, citing reduced ticket prices as a key advantage. The airline is slated for a launch between November and December this year, with Tulum as one of its prominent routes.

Final Thoughts and Announcements

  • López Obrador emphasized the need for public agencies to act responsibly, referencing previous oversight failures like those at the National Institute of Transparency (Inai). He also announced a performance by Grupo Frontera on September 15 in the capital's Zócalo.

This morning's conference provided insights into the President's stance on various pressing issues and his prospects for the nation.