AMLO's Nationwide Water Works Tour Takes Off

President AMLO announces nationwide water works tour, Pemex debt intervention, and income growth. Ayotzinapa case progresses, and archaeological salvage efforts lauded. Mexico's economy set for over 3% growth.

AMLO's Nationwide Water Works Tour Takes Off
President AMLO addresses the media during the morning conference, outlining plans for a nationwide tour to supervise water works and promote conservation efforts.

In today's morning conference, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) unveiled plans for an extensive nationwide tour to inspect various water works across the country. The President emphasized the importance of water management and conservation as he outlined his upcoming visits to key projects.

Beginning tomorrow, the President's tour will kick off with an inspection of the Santa María Dam in southern Sinaloa, which is nearing completion. Additionally, an irrigation district under construction in the same region will also be on his agenda, giving him an opportunity to assess its progress.

Over the weekend, AMLO will travel to the La Laguna region to supervise the Agua Saludable Para la Laguna program. This comprehensive initiative encompasses multiple hydraulic works that are set to benefit the inhabitants of 10 municipalities in the states of Coahuila and Durango.

Further, the President will visit Monterrey, Nuevo León, to monitor the progress of El Cuchillo II and review the enhancements made to water infrastructure in Jalisco, particularly focusing on improving access to water in the capital, Guadalajara.

During the conference, AMLO also touched upon a proposal aimed at the Calica company. He revealed that the Federal Government intends to purchase all hectares involved in material extraction works, along with part of the mangrove, in an effort to protect the natural heritage of the southeast region of the country. The land has been appraised at 6.5 billion pesos, and the proposal involves converting the non-material bank portion into a Natural Protected Area (NPA) while exploring tourist development opportunities in other parts. This includes the potential conversion of the pier into a cruise ship dock.

Addressing concerns about Pemex, the state-owned oil company, AMLO announced the government's intervention to help restructure its debt. The President reassured the public that Pemex's finances are sound and emphasized the government's commitment to ensuring its success.

Shifting gears to socioeconomic issues, President López Obrador highlighted the positive economic growth projections for Mexico, expecting it to exceed 3%. He mentioned that the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP) is currently working on projections to be presented to Congress.

The morning conference also saw AMLO praising the positive developments in income distribution and poverty reduction, based on data from the National Survey of Household Income and Expenditure (ENIGH) 2022. The President expressed contentment with the progress, noting that the poorest households experienced an increase in income of over 20% from 2016 to 2022.

Regarding cultural heritage and archaeological preservation, the President emphasized the ongoing efforts to protect and salvage historical sites along the route of the Mayan Train. Over 53,000 immovable properties, 1,925 movable properties, and an array of artifacts have been registered and preserved, with plans to establish six site museums along the train's route, including a grand museum at Chichén Itzá.

During the conference, AMLO also discussed the Ayotzinapa case, stating that progress is being made to clarify the events surrounding the missing students. He reaffirmed the government's commitment to pursuing justice and addressing the issue together with the families of the victims.

In his closing remarks, President López Obrador expressed his satisfaction with the positive trajectory of various projects and policies. He stressed the importance of addressing social inequality and reiterated his commitment to inclusive economic growth.

The morning conference concluded on a positive note, with AMLO reiterating his administration's focus on improving the lives of all Mexicans and pushing for progress in the areas of infrastructure, social welfare, and economic development.