Armed Forces to Patrol Cancun Shopping Malls as Security Concerns Escalate
Cancun boosts shopping center security with more police and armed forces due to rising crime. "Operativo en Zonas Comerciales" intensifies during peak seasons. This builds on a six-year-old agreement addressing robberies.

In a move aimed at reassuring both local consumers and tourists, authorities in this popular resort city are significantly increasing security measures within its bustling shopping centers. The initiative, which includes a more visible presence of both municipal police and federal armed forces, comes in response to rising concerns about criminal activity in these commercial hubs.
The heightened security strategy is being spearheaded by the Ayuntamiento de Benito Juárez, the municipality encompassing Cancún, through its Secretaría de Seguridad Ciudadana y Tránsito (Secretariat of Citizen Security and Transit). This effort intensifies during peak tourist seasons through what is known as the "Operativo en Zonas Comerciales" (Operation in Commercial Zones).