Mexicans, the best lovers in Latin America

The Ashley Madison platform noted that although Mexicans are considered the ugliest in the region, they are the best lovers

Although there are still many taboos about sexuality in Mexico, it is recognized for having the city with the most infidels in the world and now for having the best lovers in Latin America.

Mexicans, the best lovers in Latin America. Image: Flickr
Mexicans, the best lovers in Latin America. Image: Flickr

In its latest survey, the leading dating site for married people, Ashley Madison found that, at the Latin American level, there are five countries where the best lovers live, highlighting Mexico in first place with 29%, followed by Colombia with 26%, Argentina with 20%, Brazil with 16%, and Chile with 10%.

The best lovers

Ashley Madison also presented some data on each country, for example, that Latino men recognize that Argentines are the most attractive in the region with 39%, while Mexicans are the ugliest with 13%.

Also, the Mexicans are not perceived as the most handsome in Latin America, but when it comes to "skills in bed," they agree, as do their counterparts, that the Mexicans are the best lovers.

In addition to these attributes, Latinos see the Mexicans as the most charismatic men in the region (29%), followed by Colombians (26%), and Argentines (16%), agreeing again that you are not the best lover because you are handsome.

What about Latin women?

Colombians again stand out as the most charismatic women. Image: Flickr
Colombians again stand out as the most charismatic women. Image: Flickr

For Latino men looking for a casual relationship, Colombians are the most exotic and best lovers in Latin America, but they are followed by Mexicans. Colombians again stand out as the most charismatic women (38%), while Mexicans come second in the world of sympathy (24%). Third, Brazilians (18%). That's why Latino men are always looking to have a casual date with one of them.

When asked why they prefer to have a Latina lover, 53% said Latinas are much sexier; for 38% they are definitely better in bed, and 23% think they are more charismatic. Ashley Madison says that when it comes to attractive, friendly, and better-loving Latina women, Colombians win the crown. But, although the married and Latino man has his punch, the ugliest are the best lovers, with Mexicans being the kings of Kamasutra.