Can eggs be frozen?

Discover the secret to preserving eggs! According to the FDA, eggs can be frozen for up to a year. Follow the right steps to freeze and thaw them properly, unlocking culinary possibilities and reducing food waste. Eggs – a versatile ingredient all year round!

Can eggs be frozen?
Freezing eggs unlocks culinary versatility and reduces food waste! Follow our guide to preserve them effectively for up to a year. Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

As the scorching summer heat sets in, many of us find ourselves wondering how best to preserve our food, especially perishables like eggs. In Mexican households, where eggs are a staple, the debate rages on whether they should be stored at room temperature, in the refrigerator, or if freezing is a viable option.

The ideal spot to store eggs is in a cool cupboard away from direct sunlight, a particularly helpful tip for regions with warm climates. Refrigeration can extend their shelf life, but it's not always practical, especially when some recipes require eggs at room temperature.

Surprisingly, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidance confirms that eggs can indeed be frozen. In fact, this is a common practice in the food industry for confectionery, cooking, and product formulation. Freezing eggs at home not only helps prevent food waste but also offers flexibility in managing your egg supply. However, there are some crucial considerations to keep in mind when freezing eggs.

Firstly, it's essential to be aware that freezing can affect the texture and quality of eggs after thawing. The FDA recommends keeping eggs frozen for a maximum of one year, but for the best sensory experience, they should be consumed within four months of freezing.

To freeze eggs properly, it's crucial not to freeze them inside the shell. When eggs freeze, their contents expand, and the shell may crack. To avoid this, the eggs must be broken and the yolks and whites mixed. This should be done in a clean container using utensils that have been thoroughly washed, and hands should be washed before handling the eggs.

Once the egg contents are scrambled or separated, transfer them to an airtight container suitable for freezing. Zip-top plastic bags can also be used, but make sure to leave some free space in the container to allow for expansion during freezing. If you plan to freeze only egg whites, be sure to store them separately. As egg yolks have low water content and tend to form gels when frozen, adding half a teaspoon of salt or one to one and a half teaspoons of sugar can help prevent gelling.

While many people only consume egg whites and discard the yolks, it's important to note that egg yolks contain essential nutrients, including important fatty acids and choline, which aids in brain development. To avoid wastage, consider finding creative ways to integrate them into family consumption or share them with others.

Labeling the container with the freezing date before storing it in the refrigerator is a good practice to keep track of their storage time. When you wish to use the eggs, thaw them in the refrigerator overnight and avoid thawing them at room temperature to prevent bacterial growth.

It's worth mentioning that once thawed, the texture of eggs may not be the same as fresh eggs. They are best suited for use in recipes that require cooking, such as cakes, bread, or baked dishes, where any slight texture change will not be noticeable.

In conclusion, freezing eggs is a practical and viable option, particularly when dealing with surplus eggs or trying to extend their shelf life. By following the proper guidelines for freezing and thawing, you can make the most of this preservation method and enjoy eggs in a variety of dishes throughout the year. Whether you're an avid home cook or a food industry professional, unlocking the secret of freezing eggs can lead to greater culinary possibilities and reduced food waste.

Full Citation: Oficina de Prensa y Colaboradores,  “¿Se Pueden Congelar Los Huevos? — Centro De Investigación En Alimentación Y Desarrollo (CIAD).”  30 June 2023,