This is the traditional recipe of Huaxmole from Chilapa

Although it is a simple dish, Huaxmole is one of the favorite foods of the local people of Chilapa. It is usually accompanied by beans in a ball with colorines.

This is the traditional recipe of Huaxmole from Chilapa
Recipe for Huaxmole from Chilapa. Photo by Tijana Drndarski / Unsplash

Despite being a simple dish, Huaxmole is one of the favorite foods of the Chilapa residents. It is usually accompanied by beans in a ball with colorines ("colored beans").


1 kg of pork meat
Guaje (to taste)
6 or 7 tomatoes or green tomatoes
4 green chilies (to taste)
Salt to taste


Boil the meat with little water so that the meat and the sauce can be fried with the same fat. Roast the chiles and tomatoes. Peel the guajes and toast them over low heat in a comal or frying pan. Afterward, grind the guaje with the chiles and the tomato. Remove the meat from the pan or casserole and fry the sauce once it is cooked. Add the meat and let it boil for five minutes.

Source: INPI