Climate Change Wreaks Havoc on Mexican Ecosystems

Climate change is devastating Mexico's biodiversity. Rising temperatures, deforestation, and habitat loss are driving species to extinction. Coral reefs, lizards, birds, and forests are among the hardest hit.

Climate Change Wreaks Havoc on Mexican Ecosystems
Mexico's forests are home to a diverse array of plant and animal life.

Climate change affects biodiversity in the world; there is evidence of disturbances in biological and ecological processes at different scales of organization, from the genetic level to the ecosystem level, reveals the report State and perspectives of climate change in Mexico: a starting point.

The document, coordinated by the Climate Change Research Program and the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate Change (ICAyCC) of UNAM, establishes that it will exacerbate the effect of other anthropogenic factors that are threatening species and ecosystems, such as habitat loss, invasive species, pollution and outbreaks of pathogens, among others.