Mexico's Government Unveils Plan to Foil Cryptocurrency Crooks

Mexico's government addresses land distribution, security issues in the State of Mexico while combating cryptocurrency fraud. President López Obrador promotes peace amidst media attacks and stresses confidence in political transformation.

Mexico's Government Unveils Plan to Foil Cryptocurrency Crooks
President López Obrador emphasizes transparency as he discloses financial support received by media outlets, ensuring accountability in journalism.

In a recent press conference led by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), several critical topics concerning Mexico's development and security were addressed. The government, represented by officials such as Secretary of Security Rosa Icela Rodriguez and Secretary of Foreign Affairs Alicia Bárcena, discussed their efforts in investigating land distribution problems and combatting fraudulent activities related to cryptocurrencies. It also promoted bilateral and trilateral cooperation with the United States and Canada to tackle migration, drug trafficking, and arms issues.

Investigating Land Distribution and Security in the State of Mexico:

Secretary of Security, Rosa Icela Rodríguez, stated that she is collaborating with peasant communities in the State of Mexico to address concerns regarding land distribution and security. This initiative is part of a coordinated effort between various government departments to understand and resolve issues faced by these territories. By engaging with local communities, the government aims to promote transparency and inclusivity in the land distribution process, thus fostering social stability and economic growth in the region.

The Truth Behind Alleged Highway Robbery in Veracruz:

The president debunked widely publicized claims of road blockades and massive robberies in Veracruz, stating that the news was false. The governor of Veracruz, Cuitláhuac García, confirmed this, emphasizing the importance of verifying information before accepting it as truth. Such clarifications underscore the need for responsible reporting and cautious dissemination of news to avoid creating unnecessary panic and unrest among citizens.

Combatting Cryptocurrency Fraud:

President López Obrador addressed concerns regarding cryptocurrency frauds in the country. He urged citizens not to fall victim to schemes promising high profits, emphasizing that such “temptations” often lead to fraudulent activities. The government, through the Attorney General's Office (FGR), will investigate complaints related to cryptocurrency fraud to protect citizens from financial losses and ensure the integrity of the financial system.

Confidence in Political Transformation and Voting Intentions:

The president expressed confidence in Mexico's political transformation and asserted that no political phenomenon can hinder the progress made by the government. He cited recent polls indicating a significant level of support for the ruling party, Morena, while opposition parties such as PAN, PRI, and PRD garnered comparatively lower percentages. These polls, conducted by Covarrubias and Enkoll, demonstrate the continuing popularity of Morena's policies and initiatives among the public.

Disclosure of Media Outlets Receiving Financial Support:

In a bid to promote transparency, President López Obrador disclosed financial support provided to some journalists and media outlets by previous administrations. Figures such as Beatriz Pagés, Raymundo Palacio, Roberto Rock, José Ureña, Animal Político, and Salvador García Soto were among those who received substantial sums from these administrations. This disclosure highlights the government's commitment to revealing any potential conflicts of interest that could impact journalistic objectivity.

Promoting Peace and Serenity Amidst Media Attacks:

Despite facing opposition from some media outlets, the president called on supporters not to be provoked, emphasizing the need to maintain peace and tranquility. He acknowledged the Mexican people's increased political awareness, attributing it to a “revolution of consciences” that has positively influenced the nation's mentality.

Addressing Falsehoods and Disinformation:

In response to false information spreading on social media, the government's Who's Who in the lies of the week section clarified two incidents. First, there was no stolen plane at Mexico City International Airport (AICM), but rather a plane-related to a past investigation for alleged theft. Second, allegations of an assassination plot against opposition candidate Xóchitl Gálvez were dismissed as baseless and aimed at tarnishing the president's image. The government urged citizens to verify information from credible sources to avoid spreading disinformation.

Bilateral and Trilateral Cooperation on Migration and Security:

Secretary of Foreign Affairs Alicia Bárcena presented the outcomes of bilateral meetings with the United States on migration issues. A focus was placed on addressing the structural causes of migration to find sustainable solutions. Additionally, both nations will work together to combat arms trafficking, drug smuggling, and fentanyl trafficking. The cooperation includes the exchange of information and the establishment of a group dedicated to fighting arms trafficking by cartels. Furthermore, the United States agreed to fund social programs, such as Sembrando Vida and Jóvenes Construyendo el Futuro, in South American countries to address migration challenges.


The recent press conference by President López Obrador and his cabinet members showcased the government's commitment to addressing key issues affecting Mexico's development and security. Through collaboration with local communities, investigations into land distribution and security challenges in the State of Mexico are underway. Furthermore, efforts to combat cryptocurrency fraud, promote peace amidst media attacks, and dispel disinformation demonstrate the government's dedication to transparency and responsible governance. Additionally, the cooperation with the United States and Canada on migration and security issues reflects the commitment to addressing regional challenges collaboratively.