AMLO's Magic Potions: Decriminalizing Traditional Mexican Medicine

Read about President AMLO's morning conference where he discussed decriminalizing traditional medicine, intensifying missing persons search efforts, and more. Get the latest updates on Mexico's political landscape.

AMLO's Magic Potions: Decriminalizing Traditional Mexican Medicine
President López Obrador announces plans to decriminalize traditional Mexican medicine, highlighting its importance as the original medicine of the country.

In his morning conference, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) addressed several key issues, outlining his administration's plans and responding to recent developments. From decriminalizing traditional medicine to intensifying the search for missing persons, AMLO's unwavering commitment to his promises took center stage.

Decriminalizing Traditional Mexican Medicine

With a touch of nostalgia for Mexico's rich heritage, President López Obrador expressed his intent to decriminalize the practice of traditional medicine. Recognizing it as the original medicine of the country, he emphasized the need to preserve and honor this essential aspect of Mexican culture. AMLO's dedication to empowering traditional healers and practitioners resonated with those who cherish the wisdom passed down through generations.

Boosting Search Efforts for Missing Persons

Turning his attention to the ongoing challenge of locating missing persons, the President addressed the potential for a reform in Guerrero that could facilitate the search process. At the federal level, he assured the public that a comprehensive search operation, unlike anything seen before, is in progress. The commitment to finding the young normalistas of Ayotzinapa remains steadfast, as hundreds of searchers from various security agencies have been tirelessly engaged in the effort.

AMLO voiced his support for the involvement of local authorities, offering his assistance if a law is necessary to enhance their efforts. Notably, he shared the significant increase in budget allocations for human rights programs, emphasizing the importance of material resources in tackling the issue. The surge in funding, a staggering 15,979% rise compared to 2018, underscores the government's determination to address the problem head-on.

Daylight Saving Time Change and Conspiracy Theories

Addressing a matter close to the hearts of many Mexicans, AMLO hailed the elimination of daylight saving time changes as a resounding success. He debunked the rumors spread by pharmaceutical companies, asserting that these claims, suggesting adverse effects on health, were nothing more than remnants of the previous neoliberal era. The President underscored that the change had not led to price increases in electricity, gas, or gasoline, putting conspiracy theories to rest once and for all.

Controversies Surrounding State of Mexico Elections

The President expressed his disappointment with baseless criticisms directed at Governor Alfredo del Mazo Maza of the State of Mexico, following recent elections. AMLO defended Del Mazo Maza against insinuations that he had interfered to favor his party's candidate, Delfina Gómez Álvarez. He called out such allegations as disrespectful to the people of the state. AMLO further voiced his support for Gómez Álvarez, emphasizing her integrity and dismissing claims that public funds had swayed the election outcome.

AMLO's Fair and Transparent Approach

Providing insights into his recent meeting with potential candidates for the presidency in 2024, President López Obrador stressed the importance of unity within his party, Morena. Refusing to exert any undue influence, AMLO reiterated his commitment to fairness, transparency, and a level playing field. He assured the public that he would not engage in favoritism, political maneuvering, or imposing his will on the selection process.

Priorities for 2024

Looking ahead, the President outlined three core budgetary priorities for the coming year. First, he vowed to continue and strengthen welfare programs, a key pillar of his administration's focus on social justice. Second, he pledged to conclude ongoing public works projects, delivering on commitments made to the Mexican people. Lastly, AMLO emphasized the importance of improving salary conditions and benefits for all workers, particularly those serving the state.

Reinstating Dismissed Teachers

Leticia Ramírez Amaya, the head of the Ministry of Public Education (SEP), shed light on the government's efforts to vindicate teachers who faced smear campaigns and dismissals during past administrations. She assured the public that the cases of the remaining dismissed teachers are being reviewed, with the majority on the verge of reinstatement. Ramírez Amaya proudly announced that 95% of the previously dismissed educators have already been reinstated, signaling a significant step toward rectifying past injustices.

Hugo López-Gatell Ramírez, the Undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion, drew attention to the far-reaching impact of drug use on individuals and society. He highlighted the link between drug consumption and the perpetuation of violence, noting the social deterioration and discrimination that often accompany substance abuse.

López-Gatell Ramírez emphasized that violence stemming from drug use encompasses various forms, including child violence, physical and psychological abuse, gender-based violence, and even violence against caregivers by those under their care. The government's campaign, "If you take drugs, you harm yourself," seeks to raise awareness about the multifaceted damage caused by substance abuse.

Strengthening Addiction Prevention

Secretary of Public Education Leticia Ramírez Amaya commended teachers who have embraced the agency's addiction prevention guide. Stressing the need for collective action, she emphasized the importance of parental involvement in addressing drug use. On June 17, coordinated activities will take place in all 32 states, primarily in schools, to further the cause of addiction prevention. Ramírez Amaya urged everyone to participate and engage with young people to amplify the campaign's impact.

Progress of IMSS Bienestar

Zoé Robledo, the head of the National Social Security Institute (IMSS), shared updates on the IMSS Bienestar Health Plan's maintenance works. With an investment of 2,483 million pesos, various medical areas across 14 states have undergone conservation, maintenance, and rehabilitation. The plan includes adapting pharmacies and rural care centers, as well as implementing comprehensive health care systems. Robledo's report showcased the government's commitment to enhancing healthcare services for underserved communities.

AMLO's morning conference provided a glimpse into the government's multifaceted agenda, spanning traditional medicine, missing persons, education, drug-related violence, addiction prevention, and healthcare. President López Obrador's unwavering determination to tackle these challenges head-on continues to captivate the nation. With his term progressing, AMLO's vision for a better Mexico remains at the forefront, leaving a lasting impact on the country's political landscape.