Depression Grips the Globe, Mexican Expert Reveals Alarming Trends

Depression affects 280M+ globally, spiking among young women. Mexico sees a 16.3% rise in cases. Expert urges breaking stigma, seeking help and recognizing hormonal factors in women. COVID-19 worsened child/adolescent anxiety. It's not insanity, it's self-care.

Depression Grips the Globe, Mexican Expert Reveals Alarming Trends
Crazy"? Nah, seeking help for depression is SMART. One expert's saying it's SELF-CARE, not a sign of weakness. Let's normalize mental health & build a happier world!

A staggering 280 MILLION people across the globe are battling the black dog of depression, health chiefs have warned. And while the debilitating condition is known to disproportionately affect women, alarming new data reveals that young people and the elderly are also increasingly falling victim to this silent killer.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has sounded the alarm, revealing that more than four percent of the world's population is currently living with depression, a mental disorder marked by decreased mood, persistent sadness, and crippling difficulty concentrating.