Drought-Defying Chia Hay Offers Sustainable Solution for Rabbit Feed

Mexican researchers are developing chia hay as a sustainable and nutritious alternative to alfalfa for rabbit feed. Its high protein content, rapid growth, and low water needs make it a promising option to reduce production costs and environmental impact.

Drought-Defying Chia Hay Offers Sustainable Solution for Rabbit Feed
Rabbits are enjoying the benefits of a new, sustainable feed source: chia hay. This high-protein, drought-resistant plant is being developed as an alternative to alfalfa, with the potential to reduce production costs and environmental impact.

Chia hay could be an option for feeding and, perhaps, reducing the fattening time of rabbits due to its protein level that competes with that of alfalfa, in addition to the short harvest cycle, low water requirement, and long storage time.

Experts from the Faculty of Higher Studies (FES) Cuautitlán, of the UNAM, headed by José Luis Sánchez Millán, an academic of the university entity, are developing the project.