What are electrical vampires and how can you save electricity by avoiding them?
These electrical vampires are found in homes and offices, so it is necessary to identify them to save electricity.
The Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) alerted users about appliances known as "electric vampires", which are those that consume energy even when they are not being used and that can influence the balance of the electricity bill.
How do electric vampires consume energy?
According to the Mexican Electricity Saving Trust (Fideicomiso para el Ahorro de Energía Eléctrica, FIDE), electric vampires are appliances that have built-in devices that keep them in a mode called "standby". Standby power consumption is a function that is included in more and more household appliances every day. It is a minimum amount of energy that appliances consume when they are not performing their main function and are connected to the power line, according to FIDE.
Which appliances can be electrical vampires?
The CFE reported that appliances that consume energy when they are connected and not in use are:
Laptop and desktop computer
Microwave oven
Mini component
Cell phone charger
Coffee maker
DVD player
Audio system
Cordless phone
Air conditioner/heater
Water dispenser
How can the consumption of electrical vampires be avoided?
The Federal Electricity Commission issued a series of recommendations to prevent these appliances from wasting energy and being reflected in the electric bill, such as:
Changing common light bulbs for energy-saving bulbs
Turn off and unplug appliances that are not being used.
Turning off the lights in occupied spaces.
Do not overload electrical outlets.
Do not leave the refrigerator open
When leaving the house, turn off the lights and unplug the appliances.