Estafeta Carga Aérea Takes Flight with a Cargo Split

Estafeta Carga Aérea is bidding adios to Mexico City's airport and splitting its air cargo operations between two other airports. Meanwhile, Goodyear faces labor complaints and Pemex battles production setbacks. Stay tuned for more business news!

Estafeta Carga Aérea Takes Flight with a Cargo Split
Estafeta Carga Aérea announces its departure from Mexico City's airport, opting for a new chapter at different air terminals. Credit: Wikipedia

In a surprising turn of events, Estafeta Carga Aérea, the air cargo subsidiary of Estafeta, is packing its bags and moving out of Mexico City! The company has decided to split its air cargo operations between two airports, namely the Felipe Ángeles International Airport (AIFA) and the Hermanos Serdán International Airport in Puebla. The decision comes as a result of a federal government decree, which prompted Estafeta to bid adios to the bustling Mexico City terminal (AICM). Ingo Babrikowski, the CEO of Estafeta, shared that they will officially commence operations at the new air terminals on August 14. Talk about soaring to new heights!

In labor news, the Liga Sindical Obrero Mexicana has served up a series of demands to Goodyear. The labor complaint against the company has led the League to present a set of remediation measures that they want Goodyear to comply with. One of the intriguing requests from the League is that each worker should be immediately provided with a copy of the contract law, complete with the latest version published on Thursday, April 9, 2015, in the Official Gazette of the Federation. Who knew that contract law could be such an essential ingredient in labor disputes? Let's see if Goodyear can deliver!

Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex) is experiencing a sticky situation. Following a massive explosion on one of its platforms, the company has suffered a significant loss in production capacity. Around 700,000 barrels of oil, which is more than a third of their daily output, have gone up in smoke. Sadly, the explosion resulted in the loss of at least two lives. However, Pemex is working diligently to recover production under the watchful eye of its CEO, Octavio Romero. Luckily, they have already managed to bounce back with a recovery of 600,000 barrels. Let's hope Pemex can reignite its oil production and avoid any more explosive situations!

Now, let's talk numbers! Inflation in Mexico is cooling down like a refreshing margarita on a summer day. For the fifth consecutive month, inflation has moderated and now stands at 5.06 percent annualized in June. This is the lowest it has been in a whopping 27 months, although it still dances above the Bank of Mexico's 3 percent target. Core inflation, which acts as a compass for general inflation in the medium and long term, has also decelerated to 6.89 percent, the lowest in 15 months. Food, beverages, and tobacco inflation has mellowed, while services prices have risen by 5.25 percent. Interestingly, the inflation in slices, fondas, and taquerias has spiked by 6.66 percent. That's a whole lot of tasty tacos! On another note, non-core inflation has taken a dip of 0.36 percent, marking the first decrease in 38 months. Energy prices have plummeted by 6.95 percent, while agricultural prices have experienced a modest increase of 2.89 percent. In the grand scheme of things, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in June increased by a modest 0.10 percent at a monthly rate. Let's keep our fingers crossed that these numbers continue to play nicely!

It seems that healthcare providers in Mexico are struggling to keep their data under lock and key. According to a SOTI report, three out of four of Mexico's frontline healthcare providers have experienced at least one data breach since 2021. That's not all! In the past year, a staggering 57 percent of organizations in the country have suffered planned or accidental employee data leaks. Yikes! SOTI suggests that investing in a device management tool could be the antidote to these leaks. Surprisingly, the report also revealed that 58 percent of organizations in Mexico have increased their IT budgets. Looks like Mexico is leading the charge when it comes to budget growth. Time to tighten up those digital defenses!

Breaking news! The closure of air cargo service to the public at Mexico City's International Airport (AICM) has received a deadline extension. The Official Journal of the Federation (DOF) announced that the new deadline for compliance is September 1st of this year, rather than the initially planned date of July 7th. The extension aims to ensure the technical and operational conditions, as well as maximum operational safety of the concessionaires and permit holders providing air transportation services. Let's hope this extra time allows for a smooth transition of operations.

In the world of finance, Mexican companies are feeling the sting of increased administrative costs. On average, these costs have risen by a whopping 28 percent to meet the requirements of version 4.0 of the Digital Tax Receipts via the Internet (CFDI), as demanded by the SAT. The Box Factura's "Estudio sobre Afectaciones a la Deducibilidad de las Empresas en México 2023" (Study on Affectations to the Deductibility of Companies in Mexico 2023) reveals that companies are shelling out an additional 48,240 pesos for every 2,000 CFDIs they receive. Ouch! Looks like keeping up with the tax man comes with a hefty price tag.

And finally, the Federal Consumer Protection Agency (Profeco) has blown the whistle on some automotive issues. Volvo, Volkswagen, and Hino vehicle owners, listen up! Profeco has discovered problems with braking and control software in these vehicles. In their July Consumer Magazine, the federal agency has called attention to 1,167 units of Volvo models S60, XC40, XC60, and XC90 from the year 2023. It's better to be safe than sorry when it comes to brakes and control, so owners should keep a watchful eye on their beloved wheels!

Phew! That's all for today's business news. From Estafeta taking flight from Mexico City to Goodyear facing labor complaints and Pemex's production challenges, the Mexican business landscape is buzzing with surprises. Stay tuned for more exciting stories from the world of commerce and finance. Until then, keep those business dreams soaring!