Savor the Seafood & Veggie Delights of Aguascalientes

Discover the delicious seafood and vegetable recipes of Aguascalientes. From sardine empanadas to red snapper with potatoes, these traditional dishes showcase the unique flavors and techniques of the region. Suitable for all levels of cooking, our collection includes both local fish and vegetables.

Savor the Seafood & Veggie Delights of Aguascalientes
Recipes for Classic Aguascalientes Seafood and Vegetable Dishes. Image by Vicki Hamilton from Pixabay

Welcome to our collection of fish and vegetable recipes from the state of Aguascalientes. Despite being an inland state, Aguascalientes boasts a rich tradition of seafood cuisine. From sardine empanadas to octopus cooked in white wine, these recipes show off the unique tastes and cooking methods of the area.

We also feature recipes for popular local fish, such as red snapper, cooked in a variety of styles. In addition to fish, we also include recipes for vegetables such as nopales, mushrooms, and cauliflower, as well as indigenous dishes like huauzontles. Whether you're a seasoned cook or new to seafood, these recipes are sure to delight you.

Sardine Empanadas


1/2 kg puff pastry
100 g chopped olives
1 can of sardines in tomatoes
1/2 cup mushrooms, cooked and chopped mushrooms
3 jalapeño peppers in vinegar, chopped chopped
2 beaten egg yolks
1 onion, finely chopped
1 large tomato, chopped
salt and pepper, to taste


Mix the cleaned sardines with tomato, chili, onion, olives, mushrooms, salt, and pepper. Roll out the puff pastry (leave it half a cm thick). Cut circles of ten centimeters in diameter; fill with a spoonful of the sardine mixture; fold, and press the edges with a fork to form the empanada. Varnish with beaten egg yolk and place the empanadas on a greased baking sheet. Bake in the oven at regular heat for twenty-five minutes, until golden brown. Yields 6 servings.

Tuna cakes

Tortitas de atún (Tuna cakes) is a popular Mexican dish made with canned tuna, mashed potatoes, onions, and other seasonings that are shaped into small cakes or patties and then fried. They are often served as a main dish or as a side and may be garnished with lime wedges, avocado, or salsa. They can be eaten alone or in a sandwich, and are a great way to use canned tuna.


1 1/2 cups tuna, shredded
1 cup of tomato puree
3 tablespoons chopped onion
2 tablespoons flour
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
2 serrano chiles, chopped
2 eggs
salt and pepper, to taste


Mix the tuna with a tablespoon of onion and parsley. Beat egg whites until stiff; add egg yolks and beat lightly. Incorporate flour little by little together with the tuna mixture (with wrapping movements). Fry spoonfuls of this preparation in hot oil (brown on both sides). Serve with tomato sauce (to prepare the sauce, sauté two tablespoons of finely chopped onion in oil; add one cup of tomato puree and fry over low heat for three minutes; add one cup of water, salt, pepper, and two chopped serrano chiles; add the pancakes and bring to a boil). Yields 6 servings.

Cod in chili


1/2 kg cooked and shredded codfish
3 tablespoons olive oil
3 tablespoons bread crumbs
6 cumin seeds
4 ancho chiles
3 cloves
3 cloves of garlic
1 cinnamon stick
salt, to taste


Soak the fish for twenty-four hours (change the water several times). Devein and soak the chilies; grind them with garlic, cinnamon, cumin, and cloves. Fry the sauce in oil, add breadcrumbs, stir and, when it comes to a boil, add the cod with a little water. Simmer for twenty minutes; serve hot. Yields 6 servings.

Cazón al piquín

Cazón al piquín is a traditional Mexican dish made with dogfish (cazón) that is marinated in a mixture of dried chili peppers (piquín) and other seasonings, and then grilled or fried. It is often served with a side of lime wedges and is a popular street food in coastal regions of Mexico.


1 kg dogfish cut into slices
1/2 kg tomatoes
1 cup broth
1/2 tablespoon of chile piquín in powder
1 onion finely chopped
1 chile güero chopped
1 branch of epazote, chopped


Sauté onion, epazote, and chile güero in oil, let sauté; add peeled and chopped tomatoes; cover and leave on fire for five minutes. Add the chile piquín powder and stir. Place the dogfish slices in the sauce; let it boil for a few minutes over low heat and add the broth; let it cook and season to taste. Yields 8 servings.

Fillet with garlic


6 slices of fish fillet
1/2 cup olive oil
8 cloves of garlic, chopped
1 sprig of chopped parsley
serrano peppers
salt, pepper, and ground cinnamon


Fry garlic, parsley, salt, and pepper in oil; when the garlic changes color, add the fish slices. Fry for half an hour over low heat with the pan covered; turn them from time to time. Sprinkle a little cinnamon and add the chopped serrano chiles. Serve the steaks hot with lettuce salad and tomato slices with vinaigrette. Yields 6 servings.

Regional octopus


1 kg octopus
3 bags of ink
1/4 cup vinegar
1/4 cup white wine
3 tablespoons chopped parsley
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon chopped cilantro
2 cloves garlic, chopped
2 peeled and chopped tomatoes
1 onion
1 ancho chile
salt, to taste


Clean and cut the octopus into regular pieces; dissolve the ink in vinegar and water. Cook the octopuses with the ink, half of the onion, and a clove of garlic for three hours, until soft. Fry the tomatoes, the rest of the chopped onion, and the other clove of garlic in lard; blend the chili with the wine and add. Boil until the sauce concentrates; finally add parsley, coriander, and olive oil. Add the octopus with a little broth and boil for fifteen minutes over low heat, season to taste; serve with white rice. Yields 8 servings.

Red snapper Mexican style


1 1/4 kg red snapper, whole and clean
100 g olives
2 cups of tomato puree
1 tablespoon capers
1 tablespoon vinegar
1/2 teaspoon sugar
3 cloves garlic
3 tomatoes
1 onion, finely chopped
1 sprig of chopped parsley
oil and broth
jalapeño peppers
oregano, bay leaf, thyme and
salt and pepper, to taste


Sauté onion and garlic in oil; let sauté and add chopped tomatoes and tomato puree; let dry. Add parsley, sugar, herbs, vinegar, and a little broth; season to taste. Pour a part of the sauce into a refractory container; place the red snapper on top, and cover with the rest of the sauce; add olives, capers, and chili peppers in slivers. Cook in the oven at moderate heat; serve the fish with salad and lemon slices. Yields 8 servings.

Red snapper with potatoes


1 1/2 kg red snapper, whole and clean
500 g cooked potatoes
1 cup mayonnaise
1/4 cup oil
1 tablespoon of tomato sauce (ketchup)
4 boiled eggs
4 pickles
3 sprigs of parsley
2 bay leaves
1 onion
1/2 lemon (juice)
salt and pepper, to taste


Cook the whole fish for fifteen minutes in a large pot with water, salt, lemon, oil, parsley, onion, and bay leaf. Let the fish cool in the broth; drain and place it in a refractory container covered with slices of potatoes cooked with salt. Garnish with hard-boiled eggs and pickles cut in half and cover with mayonnaise mixed with tomato sauce (ketchup). Bake for ten minutes (170°C). Yields 8 servings.

Christmas fish


1 1/4 kg whole red snapper
1/2 kg cooked peas
2 cups mayonnaise
3 red bell peppers (canned)
2 bay leaves
1 onion
salt and pepper, to taste


Cook the whole fish in enough water with sliced onion, bay leaf, herbs, salt, and pepper (make sure it does not break or overcook). Place it in a large oval dish (drain the water well); let it cool and cover it with mayonnaise. Cut the bell peppers into long strips; make three poinsettias and garnish the fish with them. Place an olive in the center of each flower and the peas around the fish; serve cold. Yields 8 servings.

Cauliflower in avocado


1 cauliflower
3 avocados
1 roasted and ground green chile
1 teaspoon of aniseed
1 roasted and ground tomato
salt, to taste


Cook the cauliflower with anise; discard the water and finish cooking in salted water; drain (make sure the cauliflower does not get cold). Prepare guacamole with the mashed avocados, tomato, chile, and salt; cover the cauliflower with the guacamole, sprinkle with cheese, and serve. Yields 6 servings.

Assorted salad


1/2 kg carrots
1 liter of water with the juice of one lemon
1 cup of cream
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1/2 cup of tomato sauce (ketchup)
5 celery stalks
1 purple cabbage
1 Romaine lettuce
1 can pineapples in syrup


Finely chop the cabbage and defoliate it in water with lemon for one hour; drain and add the chopped lettuce. Peel and grate the carrots; chop the drained celery and pineapples; stir. Mix mayonnaise, cream, and bottled tomato sauce (ketchup). Refrigerate separately and stir together when ready to serve. Makes 8 servings.

Nopales con charales

Nopales con charales is a traditional Mexican dish that combines two popular Mexican ingredients, nopales (cactus pads) and charales (small freshwater fish). The dish typically consists of cooked nopales (usually grilled or sautéed) and charales, which are either fried or cooked with the nopales. The dish is seasoned with garlic, chili, and other Mexican spices, and can be served as a main dish or as a side dish. The dish is popular in coastal regions of Mexico and it's a way to make the most out of the fresh ingredients of the region.


1/2 kg charales
1/2 kg nopales cut into cubes
3 guajillo chiles
1 small onion, chopped
1 chile mulato
salt, to taste


Cook the nopales in salted water; drain and rinse. Fry the onion in hot oil; add the liquefied chiles (previously soaked in oil and soaked) and fry. Add the nopales and a cup of water; fry the charales and add them; boil for half an hour. Yields 6 servings.

Nopales lampreados

Nopales lampreados is a traditional Mexican dish that involves grilling nopales (cactus pads) over an open flame until they are slightly charred and tender. The grilled nopales are then diced and served as a side dish, often garnished with diced onions, cilantro, and a squeeze of lime juice. They are usually served as a side dish and can be paired with meat or seafood. The dish is considered a traditional Mexican dish and it's popular in many regions of Mexico. Lampreado means "grilled" in Spanish.


24 medium nopales
1 kg tomatoes
1 cup flour
4 eggs
3 dried pasilla chiles
2 tablespoons chicken bouillon chicken powder
1 piece of onion
1 garlic clove
1/4 onion
fresh cheese
salt and pepper, to taste


Cook the nopales in water with salt, garlic, and onion; drain. Place a slice of cheese between two nopales; fasten with toothpicks. Sprinkle the nopales with flour, dip them in beaten egg and fry them in hot oil. Roast tomatoes and blend with onion, fry in hot oil; add chicken bouillon powder. Lightly fry the pasilla chile in oil, and add it in pieces to the sauce when it is boiling; season with salt and pepper. Place the nopales in the sauce and bring to a boil; serve. Yields 12 servings.

Sautéed mushrooms with garlic


500 g mushrooms cut into slices
50 g butter
2 tablespoons of sherry (dry) or brandy
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
2 chopped garlic
salt and pepper, to taste


Fry the mushrooms and sauté them in butter; season with salt and pepper. Add garlic cloves, parsley, and brandy. Cover the pan and cook over high heat for two minutes. Serve the mushrooms hot. Yields 6 servings.

Huauzontles en pasilla

Huauzontles en pasilla is a traditional Mexican dish that features huauzontles, a Mexican vegetable that is similar in appearance to broccoli, and pasilla chili pepper. The huauzontles are typically blanched or steamed before being sautéed with garlic, onion, and pasilla chili pepper. The dish is often served as a side dish or as a main course and is often garnished with cheese, sour cream, or other toppings. Huauzontles is a pre-Columbian vegetable that is considered a delicacy in many regions of Mexico, and it's often paired with pasilla chili pepper because of its mild heat and fruity flavor that complement the huauzontles.


1 kg huauzontles
1 1/2 cups chicken broth
1/4 liter of cream
6 pasilla chiles (dipped in oil and oil and soaked)
5 eggs
2 garlic cloves
1 tomato
1 small onion
fresh cheese, sliced
salt, to taste


Cook the huauzontles in salted water; drain. Blend the chiles with tomato, onion, and garlic; strain. Place a slice of cheese in the center of each huauzontle; flour and coat with beaten egg (first beat the egg whites and then the yolks); fry in hot oil. Fry the ground chile, add the chicken broth, and season with salt. Place the huauzontles in the chili sauce and boil for fifteen minutes (allow to thicken slightly). Remove from the heat and serve with cream. Yields 6 servings.

Sautéed tender green beans


500 g cooked green beans
50 g butter
50 g bacon
1 1/2 cups of tomato sauce
fresh parsley, chopped


Fry chopped bacon in butter; when browned, sauté green beans; stir occasionally. Add tomato sauce and cook over low heat; sprinkle with parsley and serve. Yields 6 servings.

French style potatoes


1 k potatoes (boiled, peeled, and cut into thin slices) thin slices)
200 g chopped ham
200 g grated cheese
100 g butter
1/4 liter of cream
1/2 liter of milk
2 eggs
salt and white pepper, to taste
bread crumbs


Mix the cream with the eggs and milk. Grease a baking dish with butter; place successive layers of sliced potato, ham, cheese, bits of butter, salt, pepper, and the cream mixture; sprinkle with bread crumbs. Bake in a hot oven until golden brown; serve. Yields 8 servings.

Potato and vegetable pie


250 g Brussels sprouts, cooked and split
250 g mashed potatoes
50 g butter
salt and black pepper, to taste


Mix mashed potatoes with the brussels sprouts, salt, and pepper. Melt butter in a skillet over low heat. Add potato mixture; flatten and brown; carefully turn and brown on both sides; serve. Yields 6 servings.

Eggplant sandwiches


4 medium eggplants
150 g ham
150 g Gruyère cheese, finely cut and thinly sliced
3 eggs
flour and oil


Peel the eggplants and slice them lengthwise (one centimeter thick); cut them in half. Soak in salted water to prevent browning; drain and dry. Stuff them with a slice of ham and a slice of cheese; dip them in beaten egg and flour, and fry them in abundant oil. Let them brown, remove and drain. Yields 6 servings.