Guatemala Fortifies Mexican Border Amid Rising Crime Concerns

Guatemala reinforces Mexico border security against cartels and illicit trades amid Chiapas violence. Army and Mexico cooperate to curb crime and migrant flows, backed by US commitment.

Guatemala Fortifies Mexican Border Amid Rising Crime Concerns
Forget border walls, Guatemala's going au naturel with the Suchiate River. Turns out, a good river makes a good neighbor... when heavily patrolled by armed forces, that is.

The Guatemalan Army, supported by armored vehicles, has intensified its vigilance along the border with Mexico in a move aimed at combating organized crime activities, including the trafficking of arms, drugs, and migrants seeking passage to the United States.

This reinforced operation along the porous frontier, particularly in the area bordering the Mexican state of Chiapas, comes as Guatemala’s government issued a travel advisory for Chiapas due to escalating violence linked to the ongoing dispute between the powerful Sinaloa and Jalisco Nueva Generación cartels.