How AI is Transforming Society (and Why We Need to Talk About It)

AI is no longer covert tech, it's a powerful tool interacting with us. Experts discuss how AI can benefit society but also raise concerns about bias and lack of regulation. Universities are considered key to ensuring ethical development and proposing frameworks to govern AI for the common good.

How AI is Transforming Society (and Why We Need to Talk About It)
From shadows to spotlight: AI is no longer hidden tech, it's shaping our world.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer a science fiction trope, but a powerful technology shaping our world. Experts Ximena Gutiérrez Vasques and Sebastián Tonda discussed the evolving nature of AI and its significant implications during a recent conversation at El Aleph. Art and Science Festival 2024.

The core message? AI is no longer confined to tech specialists. Gutiérrez, a computational linguistics expert, emphasizes how AI has transitioned from "an actor who was behind the technological tools" to a force actively interacting with us. This "frontal dialogue" necessitates a broader understanding of AI's capabilities and potential impact.