How AI Perpetuates Inequality (and How to Fight Back)

AI reflects existing inequalities and replicates capitalist divisions of labor. Experts say AI can empower gig workers if they have access to their data to understand and fight exploitation by platforms like Uber.

How AI Perpetuates Inequality (and How to Fight Back)
Gig workers unite! AI data transparency as a tool for empowerment.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is supposed to be the future, right? Shiny robots, helpful algorithms, maybe even flying cars (though with the current state of traffic, that might be a nightmare). But what if the future isn't all sunshine and Rosie the Riveter 2.0? What if AI just amplifies the problems we already have, like a particularly enthusiastic karaoke rendition of inequality by the global capitalist machine?

This is the dark side of the dance floor that Cristóbal Reyes, a PhD student from UNAM's Latin American Studies program, is spotlighting. AI, he argues, isn't some neutral invention. It's a reflection of the society that built it, a society where profits for the few come before the well-being of the many.