How Fake Food is Making Yaqui Kids Sick
Currently, the Yaqui adult population has a prevalence of overweight and obesity (O&O) of 71.5%. Sadly, Yaqui children are following this trend. A recent study found that nearly 4 out of 10 schoolchildren are overweight or obese.
A Yaqui child sits down to lunch. There's no vibrant spread of the fresh, wholesome foods our ancestors relied on. Instead, it's a factory-made feast: tortillas (yes, even those can be heavily processed these days!), fried beans drowning in questionable ingredients, a side of fries, maybe some overly-colorful packaged snacks, and a super-sized sugary drink to wash it all down. Because, apparently, water has somehow become the world's most boring beverage.
Sadly, this isn't an exaggeration. It's the everyday reality for many Yaqui kids. And it's not just the calories that are making them sick (though those are a problem too); it's the insidious effect of a heavily processed food diet. Here's the science, broken down and sprinkled with a bit of tough love: