How Mexico's Amparo Trial Became a Global Champion of Justice
Mexico's amparo trial lets citizens fight unconstitutional laws. Born from a politician's jail time, it empowers individuals and groups and has inspired legal systems across Latin America. It's a spicy tale of justice with a twist: even challenged laws can linger until the Supreme Court weighs in.
Mexico in the mid-19th century was a crucible of change. Political winds swirled, buffeting the nation between centralism and federalism. Amidst this tempestuous landscape strode Mariano Otero, a young firebrand with a mane of ideas and a fierce devotion to liberty. Our story begins not in a grand chamber of legislation, but in a rather less salubrious location – a jail cell.
In 1843, on a trumped-up charge of fomenting revolution, Otero found himself unjustly locked away. It was this brush with tyranny that sparked a revolution of a different kind – a revolution of law. Seething with righteous indignation, Otero didn't just stew in his cell. He channeled his outrage into a potent legal concept: the juicio de amparo, or trial of protection, later known as the Amparo Trial.