AMLO Leading Mexico Through Hurricane Lidia's Fury

AMLO's morning conference dispels misinformation, updates on Hurricane Lidia relief, praises peso's strength, and addresses IMSS healthcare. The President emphasizes transparency and media freedom.

AMLO Leading Mexico Through Hurricane Lidia's Fury
Hurricane Lidia relief efforts and economic stability discussed at the AMLO conference.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador's (AMLO) morning conference on this particular day was marked by a combination of crucial topics, ranging from debunking misinformation to addressing the aftermath of Hurricane Lidia and discussing the nation's economic stability. In the ever-evolving landscape of Mexican politics, AMLO used this platform to provide clarity on various issues, all while maintaining his commitment to transparency and openness. Here's a closer look at the highlights of the conference:

Debunking Lies and Misinformation

The morning conference kicked off with an introduction by President AMLO himself, as he introduced Elizabeth Vilchis to tackle a segment called “Who's Who in the Lies?” Vilchis took the stage to address several prevalent misconceptions.

First and foremost, she discussed the ongoing debate surrounding the cancellation of trusts in the Judicial Branch. She emphasized that the elimination of these trusts will not hinder the administration of justice, as they are primarily special benefits, some of which even cover lavish expenses like the maintenance of magistrates residences. Vilchis also took a moment to call out major publications, Reforma and El Economista, for perpetuating misinformation about the debt and situation of Pemex, highlighting the consistent decrease in the debt balance under AMLO's administration.

Additionally, Vilchis debunked allegations that social programs failed to reduce poverty and inequality, as reported by certain media outlets. She argued that data had been misrepresented and that these programs had indeed contributed to reducing inequality. Furthermore, she addressed a campaign that accused the Mexican government of operating a bot farm, clarifying that the circulated images were related to a Brazilian call center, not a Mexican operation.

Vilchis also reassured the public that Tesla would, in fact, install its factory in Mexico, refuting media claims that it would move the project to Texas.

Hurricane Lidia Relief Efforts

The conference wasn't all about dispelling myths and falsehoods. Laura Velázquez, the national coordinator of Civil Protection, provided an update on the actions taken to address the aftermath of Hurricane Lidia. She revealed that 98% of the electricity supply had already been restored by CFE, highlighting the government's swift response.

Velázquez also outlined the distribution of humanitarian aid, explaining that it would be allocated once the affected population was fully quantified. She noted that the State Institute of Communication and Technology (SICT) was actively working on the recovery of damaged roads.

For Hurricane Max, Velázquez stated that areas such as Benito Juárez, Atoyac de Álvarez, and Coyuca de Benítez had been the most affected. She praised the dedicated efforts of the numerous agencies involved in the recovery process and informed the public about reported injuries and shelter accommodations for those impacted by the hurricane.

AMLO's Take on the Judicial Power and Economy

In a thought-provoking segment, President AMLO addressed the issues surrounding the Judicial Power. He expressed that the Judiciary's buildings are owned, not rented, and built with substantial budgets. He questioned the necessity of special benefits for judges and magistrates, who receive significantly more income than most citizens. AMLO argued that these practices had their roots in history, where they were used to maintaining control, even during the Mexican Revolution.

Moving on to the state of the Mexican economy, AMLO noted the stability of the peso against the dollar, stressing that it was one of the world's strongest currencies. He even cited a statement from the IMF, commending Mexico's economic strength. The President emphasized that the Bank of Mexico operates independently, without interference from the government.

IMSS Bienestar Agreement and Corruption

AMLO discussed the progress of the IMSS Bienestar Agreement, highlighting that around 15 states had already achieved a 96% supply of medicines. He assured that medical services remained free and mentioned the plans for tracking patient illnesses and medications used.

Regarding corruption within the IMSS, AMLO acknowledged that the Public Function Secretariat was reviewing ongoing cases, with journalists playing a significant role in exposing wrongdoing. He pledged to work closely with journalists to address these concerns.

Commemorating the Heroic Military College

The conference concluded with President AMLO sharing his plans to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Heroic Military College. He welcomed Spanish journalist Ignacio Ramnet, who had conducted an extensive interview with Fidel Castro. AMLO took the opportunity to emphasize the importance of media freedom in Mexico, where no journalist faces persecution or censorship.

AMLO's morning conference provided a comprehensive update on various significant matters, including debunking misinformation, hurricane relief efforts, economic stability, healthcare, and addressing corruption. It showcased a leader dedicated to transparency, a commitment to debunking falsehoods, and a vision for Mexico's future. The morning conference served as a platform for the President to communicate directly with the Mexican people, ensuring that they receive accurate information and insight into the country's current affairs.