Jordan Goudreau, the 'Rambo' who tried to invade Venezuela and capture Maduro
Former U.S. Army captain Jordan Goudreau allegedly masterminded the attempted invasion of Caracas and the capture of President Nicolas Maduro.
The former green beret of the U.S. Army, Jordan Goudreau Silvercorp USA, allegedly captained the attempted invasion of Caracas and the capture of President Nicolas Maduro last weekend to bring him to the United States.
James Bond's aura - he's said to have a Gmail account that ended in 007 - and Rambo's attitude, which manifested itself in the inspiration for his particular version of a Venezuelan-style Bay of Pigs, are the traits of a banana film that, according to his acquaintances, define Jordan Goudreau, 43, with experience on the fronts in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The former green beret of the U.S. Army led the invasion attempt of Caracas.
The days have passed and what the Venezuelan exiles in Florida considered a joke has been confirmed as real, with deaths and arrests. Among these, two former Pentagon soldiers, Luke Denman and Airan Berry. The matter has even reached the White House, where President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have denied any responsibility for the plot.
"Charlatans and amateurs have always pursued the mercenary business," tweeted Sean McFate, an ex-paratrooper with the Stars and Stripes and author of The New Rules of War, in which he discusses the implications of war privatization for diplomacy. For McFate, Goudreau's behavior should have raised alarms.
Shortly after the massacre at the Parkland Institute - February 14, 2018, 17 people were killed - two former members of the U.S. special forces saw what is called a "niche business" reflected in the blood of that tragedy. That opportunity was to train veterans like them to neutralize future massacres.
"The cops were at Parkland, but they didn't do anything because they weren't prepared for an act of this kind," former Green Beret Drew White told NBC. "We in special operations have the training to end that threat," he added.
The secret service has denied any cooperation.
His old colleague, Jordan Goudreau had that idea and launched his company, Silvercorp USA, with the motto: "Protecting our most precious assets. According to White, the plan never went through. Two years later, he saw Goudreau appear in the middle of that tragic Caribbean soap opera: "I'm speechless," White confessed. "It's kind of amazing to me," he insisted.
Out of all this comes a murky, dark portrait of Goudreau, a decorated U.S. commando, holder of three bronze medals, who on his Web site boasted that he had assisted President Trump's protection service at a rally in Charlotte, North Carolina. The secret service has denied any collaboration.
Some former colleagues argue that Goudreau should be handed over to Venezuela in exchange for the two comrades held there.
Goudreau was born in Canada, graduated from the University of Calgary with a degree in computer science, and joined the army, he explains on LinkedIn. He served three years and then jumped into the U.S. Army. He rose to the rank of sergeant in the special medical forces. In Iraq and Afghanistan, he gained a reputation as a great warrior. "After leaving a uniform, he worked in private security in Puerto Rico, and then the student shooting occurred.
"I saw Parkland, thought nobody was addressing the issue and said I wanted to fix this," Goudreau told The Washington Post in November 2018. In the summer of 2019, he began to give the first signs of his Venezuelan project. White thought it was implausible. Some former colleagues argue that Goudreau should give himself up to Venezuela in exchange for the two comrades there, prison meat. That would be very much like Rambo.