Education, information, and responsibility, essential for living with pets
Three veterinarians from UNAM agreed that responsible pet ownership implies knowing the biological nature of the species and breed we choose, as well as respecting their basic needs such as nutrition, health, training, and physical activities.
Responsible pet ownership implies knowing the biological nature of the species and breed we choose, as well as respecting their basic needs such as nutrition, health, training, and physical activities, agreed three veterinarians from UNAM.
In the distance conference "Responsible animal ownership in big cities", Rodrigo Alonso Suárez Groult, academic of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics (FMVZ), recognized that the origin of the problem is the lack of education, irresponsibility, impulsivity towards a certain breed and the market that offers certain species for fashion or diffusion in movies and commercials.
In turn, Itzcóatl Maldonado Reséndiz, also from that academic entity, commented that it is not desirable to have wild species as pets, because they are not domestic and are extracted from their habitat, almost always through the "black market", which causes suffering and damage to the ecosystem, in addition to the ethical, legal, economic and social obligations involved.
In the case of dogs and cats, it is important the preventive part; professional advice, especially in health; a clinical ethologist focused on the prevention and diagnosis of behavioral problems; a breeder and even a trained walker. In addition to preventive and therapeutic medicine, they should be provided with physical and mental prophylaxis (measures to protect them from diseases), space and quality time, as well as comfort.
In the case of cats, their taste for three-dimensional spaces and places to climb, essential in their nature, should also be respected. Non-conventional pets (formerly called exotic species) include all taxonomic groups: invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. However, rabbits, guinea pigs, small rodents, and ferrets are recommended for those who wish to live with a pet other than a dog or cat.
"Responsible ownership is required, where the person who approaches these species has knowledge of them, experience, careful treatment, and consideration," he warned. He recommended choosing them in a planned way, by family consensus, being aware of the obligations acquired, getting general care information, and seeking specialized guidance.
Francisco Galindo Maldonado, also from the FMVZ and a specialist in animal welfare, said that for more than 10 years this entity has been participating in the elaboration of a proposal for a General Law on Animal Welfare. It is a complement to the environmental and health legislation since it covers aspects that are not currently addressed, such as management practices according to the zootechnical function: whether they are for production, companionship, research and teaching, work, sports, shows, exhibition, or exposed to tourism.
This proposal is in line with the guidelines of the World Organization for Animal Health and is guided by science-based objectives, which promote their responsible use in favor of society and establish a system of owner responsibility. The academics highlighted the work of the FMVZ with its network of clinics and hospitals (some specializing in dogs and cats or birds and other species) and school hospitals, as well as mobile units that go to communities to vaccinate and sterilize.