Mayan Train Chugging Along at 80% and 62,000 Jobs in Tow

The morning conference in Mexico, led by President AMLO, featured updates on fuel prices, Mayan Train progress, archaeological discoveries, and more. Plus, a mix-up with a drug trafficker's identity and DIY vaccine shopping on the horizon. Mexico keeps things interesting!

Mayan Train Chugging Along at 80% and 62,000 Jobs in Tow
President AMLO discusses the rail project's progress, promising a transformative journey.

Ladies and gentlemen, it's another bright morning in Mexico, and we've got all the hottest updates right from the National Palace, where President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) just kicked off the morning conference. So grab your metaphorical train tickets because we're diving into the fascinating world of Mexico, from fuel prices to Mayan Train progress, with side twists.

Who's Who in Fuel Prices

First up, let's mention the fuel that keeps Mexico's engines running. David Aguilar, the head honcho over at the Federal Consumer Protection Agency (Profeco), recently shared some numbers that have everyone's attention. The average price of regular gasoline last week was 22.50 pesos, premium gasoline clocked in at 24.68 pesos, and diesel averaged around 23.98 pesos. And hey, they didn't just stop at fuel; over 200 verification visits to gas stations were made, and yes, they even inspected service station toilets! Because who doesn't want a clean restroom to go with their clean fuel?

Speaking of LP gas, the average price reached 17.75 pesos per kilo for cylinders and 9.60 per liter for stationary gas. The first week of October brought good tidings because, in more than 800 verification visits, not a single anomaly was found in the gas companies. So, fuel prices might not be soaring just yet, but we're keeping an eye on those numbers.

Mayan Train Keeps on Rolling

Authorities have reported some remarkable progress on section 4, spanning from Izamal to Cancun. The general progress rate already exceeds 80%, with 33 vehicular crossings and bridges standing tall out of the planned 35. But that's not all; a whopping 6,585 out of 9,000 required light poles are lighting up the track, providing a whopping 62,000 jobs in the region. It's a light show worth watching!

And for those who enjoy virtual tours, ICA, the construction company behind this monumental feat, has got you covered. They recently unveiled a virtual tour of the section, so you can get a sneak peek without leaving your living room.

ALSTOM chugs along with essential updates on the railway systems of the Mayan Train. Ever wondered where all the materials and tools for this mammoth project are kept? Campeche Work Base is your answer. Not only do they have all the goodies, but they're also training the personnel. And the Tenabo Base isn't far behind; they're busy installing copper cables for various purposes. Meanwhile, the Valladolid Station is the spot for sound tests. So, if you hear a train whistle, it's all in the name of science!

Diego Prieto, the head of the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), had some exciting news for history buffs. Archaeological salvage work has been completed on section 4 of the Mayan Train, unearthing 4,228 immovable goods, 570 movable goods, 42,617 ceramic shards, 16 burials, and 145 natural features linked to human presence. We're talking caves and cenotes, folks!

And let's not forget the historical gems. In Chichén Itzá, they've made a whopping 87% progress in research and conservation, even working on an impressive 8,865 linear meters of hiking. For the first time ever, this area will have a site museum, and it's already 70% complete. Meanwhile, Ek'Balam is showing off with over a third of the progress in research and conservation. Plus, they're making strides with signage development. Time to pack your Indiana Jones hat!

Governor Mara Lezama shared her exciting vision of the “Tourist Route: Beyond the Sun,” a fantastic initiative in cahoots with the Mayan Train. Section 4 is set to become a hotspot for nature trails, regional dishes, exotic fruits, and more. You can soon explore orchid gardens, savor local delicacies, and savor yaca fruits – all while basking in the area's full tourism potential.

The Great Mix-Up of José Gil Quintero

In a twist that could make the best telenovelas blush, José Gil Quintero, alleged drug trafficker and nephew of Caro Quintero, had his moment in the spotlight. Media reports wrongly placed him in a restaurant in Tulum, leading to a mix-up worthy of a mystery novel. In a delightful turn of events, the investigation revealed it wasn't him, much to the chagrin of sensationalist news outlets.

Piperos of Tamaulipas Unleash the Fuel Drama

President López Obrador didn't mince words when it came to the battle against huachicol (fuel theft) in Tamaulipas. He called out the supposed “propaganda from the conservatives and the media.” Not only did he share how pipelines were broken in 2019, forcing the purchase of 650 pipes, but he also highlighted the remarkable savings of 291,761 million, 656,548 pesos – equivalent to a year's pension for seniors across the country. Now, that's some serious change!

Rocío Nahle: The Powerhouse

The President gave a big thumbs-up to Rocío Nahle García, calling her a “top-notch” official. Her splendid performance as the head of the Energy Secretariat got a resounding endorsement. And what's next? Nahle García is now setting her sights on the governorship of Veracruz. Forget the naysayers; her qualifications speak for themselves. Stay tuned for the new head of the Energy Secretariat, set to be unveiled later today.

Migratory Musings

President López Obrador shared his insights on the complex issue of migration. The Mexican government's focus on addressing the root causes of poverty has successfully reduced the migration of Mexican nationals to the United States. But it's not just about Mexicans; it's about folks from Central America and beyond, who seek refuge in Mexico due to social and political woes. The government is investing $200 million in social programs to create work opportunities in their home countries.

The Lacandon Jungle: Action in Action

In the heart of the Lacandon Jungle, a fascinating episode unfolded. Residents held members of the National Guard, not out of hostility, but to seek their support against drug trafficking groups. Sometimes, reality is stranger than fiction. President López Obrador noted that Chiapas has reduced its poverty rate by 10% since he took office.

Loan to Pemex: Supporting Cuba

And finally, addressing the alleged loan to Pemex, President López Obrador was clear: it's a false assertion. Mexico will continue to support Cuba to the best of its abilities because they're all about “universal fraternity.” He reiterated that they're different from the conservatives and take pride in it.

Bonus: DIY Vaccination

Cofepris is making moves to give permits for buying COVID-19 vaccines, so you can soon shop for your vaccine like a pro. Stay tuned for more details because you never know when you might need that booster shot!

And there you have it, the latest news from Mexico. From fuel prices to the Mayan Train, it's a ride you won't want to miss. Stay tuned for more adventures from south of the border!