Amlo Shares Updates on Ambassador Appointments

This news story covers AMLO's morning conference, including ambassador appointments, migration issues, infrastructure projects, mining rescues, looting in Mexico, media criticism, heat-related deaths, electricity production, and upcoming elections.

Amlo Shares Updates on Ambassador Appointments
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador addresses the audience, sharing updates on ambassador appointments, migration issues, and infrastructure projects during his morning conference.

The morning conference led by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) kicked off today with plenty of topics that left participants hanging on the edge of their seats. From surprising ambassador appointments to jabs at the media, AMLO held nothing back.

AMLO announced the appointment of Rafael Marín Mollinedo, the director of the National Customs Agency, as Mexico's ambassador to the World Trade Organization. This strategic move comes in light of an upcoming economic treaty with the European Union. As Marín Mollinedo embarks on his new role, Major General André Georges Lusson van Fullón, former Director of the Military College, and a distinguished figure in the Ministry of National Defense, will step in to fill his shoes.

Turning his attention to the hot-button issue of migration, AMLO called for increased economic investment from the United States to improve social programs along Mexico's northern border. He emphasized the need to address the root causes of migration, advocating for a constructive approach instead of resorting to confrontation. Drawing on his signature wit, AMLO playfully criticized the past administration's approach, saying, "Evil must be confronted with good, not with more evil."

As the conference progressed, AMLO delved into infrastructure projects. He proudly proclaimed that the Mexico-Toluca Train, a flagship initiative, would be completed before the end of his administration. A section of the train, connecting Mexico City to Lerma, is set to be inaugurated in early September, giving commuters a reason to rejoice.

With an eye on ongoing rescue efforts, AMLO provided updates on the Pasta de Conchos mine rescue in Coahuila and the El Pinabete mine. The President expressed optimism that the Pasta de Conchos miners would be reached in the coming months, while progress in the El Pinabete mine could be reported as early as August. These rescue missions serve as a testament to the government's commitment to the safety and well-being of its citizens.

Shifting gears, AMLO unveiled a scathing critique of the past 36 years, deeming it the era of "the biggest looting in the history of Mexico" under the neoliberal regime. However, he acknowledged that Mexico is experiencing a rebirth and rising in the ranks of economic, social, and political development. Reflecting on the challenges of addressing historical injustices, he cited the return of 30,000 hectares of land to the Yaqui people, a step toward rectifying past wrongs.

Never one to shy away from controversy, AMLO promised to share information on alleged links between Grupo Andrade and a real estate cartel in Mexico City. He also addressed supposed contracts benefiting the company with cost overruns in the rental of patrols. Asserting that the vehicles were acquired for the National Guard, AMLO announced that the commander of the National Guard would appear in the next conference to shed light on the matter.

In an amusing twist, AMLO addressed a viral photograph that depicted him alongside former Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez. Despite clarifying that he never met Chávez in person or had any direct contact with him, AMLO extended his respect to the late leader. This interlude showcased AMLO's ability to find humor in the most unexpected places.

Expressing frustration with U.S. media, AMLO criticized their portrayal of migrants as drug carriers due to "information manipulation." He highlighted that 86% of those imprisoned for fentanyl-related offenses in the United States are American citizens, dispelling misconceptions surrounding immigrants. AMLO credited the intelligence and discernment of the Mexican people for not succumbing to media narratives.

Addressing current issues, AMLO acknowledged the unfortunate deaths of eight individuals from heat strokes during the ongoing heat wave. He assured the public that the Ministry of Health is closely monitoring the situation and implementing necessary measures.

Dispelling concerns about the electricity supply, AMLO refuted claims of a lack of capacity by the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE). He emphasized that the CFE has a reserve margin that easily covers the country's electricity demands, thereby dismissing reports of an Operational State of Alert in the National Interconnected System.

In a final rallying cry, AMLO called upon supporters of Morena, his political party, to avoid engaging in internal politicking during the upcoming anniversary celebration. He urged unity and celebration, highlighting the accomplishments achieved thus far, including healthy public finances and peace with justice.