Mexico's Archery Elite Clash for Olympic Glory

Mexico's top archers clash in a final battle for Olympic spots. Legends like Valencia and Grande face rising stars and Tokyo veterans. The drama unfolds in qualification rounds and thrilling round robins, with women's places secured and men's quotas hanging in the balance.

Mexico's Archery Elite Clash for Olympic Glory
Nerves fray as Mexico's best archers aim for Olympic glory. Credit: Conade

The smell of cut grass rises from the fields of the National Center for the Development of Sports Talents and High Performance (CNAR) like a silent hymn. But this verdant expanse isn't home to thundering hooves or the clash of cleats. Here, another kind of battle is about to begin – less visceral perhaps, but no less fierce in its precision and unwavering focus.

The nation's twelve finest archers have descended upon CNAR for the final, brutal trials to determine who will represent Mexico on the hallowed grounds of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. It's a crucible of skill, nerves, and the faintest quiver of an arrow in flight, the climax of a journey that, for some, began long ago.

The Old Guard and the Upstarts

For Alejandra Valencia Trujillo, Olympic medalist and world runner-up, the path is both familiar and uncertain. Her quiver is heavy with prior accomplishments. Yet, the recurve bow is an unforgiving mistress, demanding constant proof of worth. Alongside her stands Matías Grande Kalionchiz, fresh from his Central American and Pan American triumphs, a man with the steely gaze of a champion facing challengers.

But, legends must always be wary of those snapping at their heels. There are those like Ana Paula Vázquez Flores and Luis Álvarez Murillo, seasoned Olympians who, despite a year away from the national team, burn with the desire to etch their names on Olympic rings once more. Vázquez Flores, in particular, has been a blazing beacon at internal tournaments, reminding everyone of her enduring talent.

Then, there are the rising stars. Ángela Ruiz Rosales, barely 17, but already making seasoned archers glance nervously at the scoreboards. And Carlos Javier Rojas López, a force to be reckoned with at the tender age of 22 and already snapping at the heels of the legendary Grande. There's a changing of the guard in the air, a tantalizing mix of experience and youthful drive that makes this contest impossible to predict.

The Quiver of Dreams

This isn't just about individual ambitions. On the women's side, Olympic places are secure, a testament to the dominance they've exerted on the field. For the men, however, it's different. The remaining two Olympic spots hang heavy in the air, a prize driving every arrow loosed.

The drama unfolds across days. Qualification rounds hum with taut bowstrings. Archers dance a silent ballet with their bows, a ritualized choreography of draw, aim, and release. Arrows whistle through the air like vengeful spirits, thudding into targets, some closer to the golden center than others.

Finally, there comes the brutal beauty of the round robin. Archers face off in a spectacle of skill and strategy. This is where rivalries are cemented, reputations forged anew, and the tiniest advantage can make all the difference. The air hums with tension, and whispers weave through the crowd like eddies in the wind.

As the recurve battles rage, the compound bow competition waits like a coiled cobra. From March 8th onward, this parallel contest will unleash some of Mexico's best female archers — Ana Hernández Jeon, Dafne Quintero García, and Maya Becerra Arizaga. These women are walking arsenals of international medals won in 2023, a reminder that Mexico's archery supremacy runs deep.

Whether it's a well-deserved return to Olympic glory for the veterans, the consecration of rising stars, or a surprise upset from an underdog, the outcome of this competition will reverberate across the international archery landscape. Paris 2024 draws near, and those that emerge from this cauldron at CNAR will carry Mexico's hopes like the fletching upon their arrows. Let the games begin!

Classified for the last stage of the national selection, heading to Paris 2024:


Alejandra Valencia Trujillo – Sonora – 205 points
Ángela Ruiz Rosales – Coahuila – 201 points
Ana Paula Vázquez Flores – Coahuila – 126 points
Aída Román Arroyo – Puebla – 103 points
Mariana Avitia Martínez – Nuevo León – 97 points
Valentina Vázquez Cadena – Nuevo León – 92 points


Matías Grande Kalionchiz – Guanajuato – 231 points
Carlos Rojas López – Querétaro – 177 points
Bruno Martínez Wing – Coahuila – 123 points
Luis Álvarez Murillo – Baja California – 104 points
Emilio Treviño Garza – Nuevo León – 96 points
Saúl Pech Chi – Quintana Roo – 58 points