Mexico coordinates orderly migration with the United States

In response to a request from the Mexican government, the United States has agreed to take steps toward improving regional migration and mobility.

Mexico coordinates orderly migration with the United States
As part of an international effort to facilitate migration, Mexico and the United States have coordinated their approaches. Photo by sol / Unsplash

The U.S. government has accepted the Mexican government's request to substantially increase labor mobility mechanisms in the region. In that sense, the new proposal represents a significant and innovative step towards the shared goal of managing orderly, safe, regular, and humane migration flows.

A press release said that in response to Mexico's request and the shared vision on labor mobility, the United States has announced that it will grant an additional 65,000 H2-B visas for temporary non-agricultural workers, of which 20,000 will be destined for people from Central America and Haiti.

Both governments also reaffirm their support for international development cooperation programs that give opportunities directly to the communities where migrants come from. As of today, U.S. authorities will begin to manage the access of 24,000 Venezuelan migrants by air.

Processes with new rules

The new process will only accept applicants who comply with the rules of the program and who do not present themselves at the border between Mexico and the U.S. The new process will only accept applicants who comply with the rules of the program and who do not present themselves at the border between Mexico and the United States. Migrants who are in Mexican territory must prove their entry into Mexico before today to be able to apply in an orderly manner for access to the United States.

Those who enter Mexico after today will not be able to apply from Mexico.

To use the new program, a person or organization in the U.S. must back the applicant's petition. The applicant will come to the U.S. by air and be able to apply for work while the immigration process is going on.

In the first stage, the new program is aimed at Venezuelan nationals. In this way, those seeking access to the United States will be able to do so in a more orderly, safe, regular, and humane manner, discouraging undocumented transit that puts their safety at risk when crossing the region.

Given the current increase in migratory flows and the need to establish orderly, safe, regular, and humane access for migrants in the region, Mexico will temporarily allow some Venezuelan nationals to enter the country through the northern border. In this way, Mexico will keep doing what it has always done, which is to take in migrants on its own through Title 42 for humanitarian reasons.

The government of Mexico will strengthen its policies and programs to enforce the rights of migrants in our country, in close coordination with international organizations. The actions of both governments constitute a temporary migration flow management scheme that will be analyzed by both countries periodically to improve its implementation as well as to evaluate its results and continuity.