Mexico's Surprising Success in the Produce World

Mexico has emerged as a major agricultural exporter, driven by increased production of green chile, broccoli, cauliflower, lemon, and cucumber. This surge is fueled by favorable climate, advanced farming techniques, and strong trade agreements.

Mexico's Surprising Success in the Produce World
Mexico's not just about tacos and tequila. It's also a global agrifood powerhouse! 🌶️🥦🍋🥒

In recent years, Mexico has cemented its position as a global agrifood powerhouse, emerging as the second-largest exporter of chili, broccoli, cauliflower, lemon, and cucumber. This impressive achievement, reported by Mexico’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, reflects the growing international demand for Mexican produce and the relentless efforts of the country's farmers, exporters, and regulatory bodies that sustain these vibrant production chains.

Mexico's success in agrifood exports can be attributed to a confluence of factors, including strategic trade agreements, robust agricultural practices, and the nation’s solid reputation for food safety and quality. At the heart of Mexico’s agrifood dominance is an extensive network of 14 free trade agreements with 51 countries. These agreements grant Mexico preferential access to a massive market of 1.376 billion consumers, placing it as the ninth-largest food exporter globally.

These trade agreements are more than just economic tools; they are lifelines that connect Mexican produce to far-reaching markets, from the bustling cities of North America to the culinary hubs of Europe and Asia. They reduce tariffs, eliminate barriers, and streamline export processes, enabling Mexican products to compete on the international stage with unparalleled access and affordability.

Green Chili

Among Mexico’s most remarkable achievements is its performance in green chili exports. According to the Agrifood Panorama, a statistical report by the Agrifood and Fisheries Information Service (SIAP), green chili exports reached their second-highest volume ever in 2023 and claimed the top spot in export value over the last decade. The numbers speak for themselves: Mexico exported 1.18 million tons of green chili in 2023, a 5.8% increase from the previous year. Even more striking is the value of these exports, which rose by 9.5% to reach $1.231 billion.

Globally, Mexican green chili plantations are ranked third, contributing 8.4% of the world's total harvest. This success is not just about quantity but also about the quality and prestige associated with Mexican chili, a staple ingredient that adds flavor and heat to cuisines worldwide. The fiery export trajectory of green chili underscores the country's ability to scale production while maintaining the high standards expected by international buyers.


Broccoli, often overshadowed by more glamorous superfoods, has become a green giant in Mexico’s export portfolio. In an impressive display of growth, Mexican broccoli exports set a new historical record between 2018 and 2023, increasing by 23.6% in volume and a staggering 54% in value. Sales volumes surged from 382,514 tons to 472,763 tons, while the export value soared from $440 million to $677 million.

Mexico now ranks as the fourth-largest producer of broccoli worldwide, contributing 2.8% of global production. The verdant cruciferous vegetable, distinguished by its intense green color and dense nutrient profile, is not just a symbol of Mexico’s agricultural prowess but also a testament to the nation’s commitment to quality. Mexican broccoli has carved out a niche in the international market, prized for its flavor, freshness, and adherence to rigorous safety standards.


Following closely on broccoli’s heels is cauliflower, another member of the cruciferous family that has experienced robust growth. In 2023, Mexico exported 62,288 tons of cauliflower, valued at $88.9 million, securing its position as the second-largest exporter globally. The country also ranks fourth in the total area dedicated to cauliflower cultivation.

Cauliflower's rise is emblematic of the global shift towards healthier eating habits and the increasing demand for versatile, low-calorie vegetables. From pizza crusts to rice substitutes, cauliflower’s popularity has exploded in recent years, and Mexico has been quick to capitalize on this trend, expanding its production and export capabilities to meet international demand.


Lemon exports have also contributed significantly to Mexico’s agrifood success story. In 2023, lemon exports grew by 19,137 tons, reaching a total value of $80 million—an increase of 2.7% in volume and 10.6% in value compared to the previous year. Mexico’s lemon production now contributes 14.4% of global output, making it the leading producer in the Americas and the second-largest worldwide.

The secret behind Mexico’s lemon dominance lies in the quality and consistency of its citrus production. From the zesty flavor to the vibrant color, Mexican lemons are synonymous with freshness and culinary versatility, making them a staple in kitchens around the globe. This citrus success story is not just about meeting demand but setting the standard for what the world expects from a lemon.


Cucumber exports have also set new records, with 2023 witnessing sales of 884,107 tons, generating more than $545 million in revenue. As one of the top earners in foreign exchange among Mexican agrifood products, cucumber production ranks fifth in the Americas, highlighting its critical role in the country’s agricultural export portfolio.

The popularity of Mexican cucumbers is driven by their crisp texture, refreshing taste, and versatility in global cuisine—from salads and sandwiches to pickles and garnishes. The product’s consistent quality, bolstered by stringent food safety standards and efficient supply chains, has made Mexican cucumbers a preferred choice in international markets.

Green Ambitions

The rise of Mexico as a leading agrifood exporter is not merely a story of numbers; it is a testament to the dedication of Mexican farmers, the strategic foresight of trade negotiators, and the rigorous standards maintained by health and safety agencies like the National Service of Health, Safety, and Agri-food Quality (Senasica). The growth in exports is a direct reflection of the nation’s ability to adapt, innovate, and deliver, meeting the world’s demand for high-quality, safe, and flavorful produce.

Looking ahead, Mexico’s agrifood sector is poised for even greater achievements. With continued investments in technology, sustainability, and market expansion, the country is well-positioned to not only maintain but enhance its status as a global leader in food production. As international markets continue to seek out fresh, healthy, and reliable produce, Mexico’s vibrant fields of chili, broccoli, cauliflower, lemon, and cucumber will undoubtedly remain at the forefront of the world’s dining tables.

Source: SecretarĂ­a de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural. “MĂ©xico, segundo exportador de chile, brĂłcoli, coliflor, limĂłn y pepino: Agricultura.”, Accessed 5 Sept. 2024.