Before coming to Mexico, make sure you have the necessary documents
Before arriving in Mexico, please ensure you have all the required paperwork to be able to visit the country. Here is an explainer.
Mexico has not adopted restrictions for the entry of visitors and return of Mexicans from other countries. The Ministry of Health is alert at the points of entry to the country to attend to people who show symptoms associated with the coronavirus and take the corresponding measures.
In the current context, it is recommended that Mexican individuals postpone non-essential international travel. If you are abroad and present symptoms of respiratory disease, contact the health authorities of the place where you are. If you need information or assistance, contact the appropriate Mexican Embassy or Consulate.
If you have symptoms on your way to Mexico, you should inform the International Health Team that carries out surveillance at each point of entry into the country. If these signs begin within two weeks, you should call 800-0044-800.
Before coming to Mexico, make sure you have the necessary documents to enter the country.
If you are Mexican
You must carry any of the following:
Valid and current passport.
Cédula de identidad ciudadana or Cédula de identidad personal, or its equivalent. Certified copy of the birth certificate.
Consular Matricula
Letter of naturalization, or certificate of Mexican nationality.
A credential issued by the National Electoral Institute (INE).
Apostille of the birth certificates issued to them by the U.S. Civil Registry (if your children were born in the U.S. and you did not register their Mexican birth certificate).
If you are traveling with a child:
Original official photo identification (passport valid and in force).
Certified copy of the child's birth certificate for check the filiation.
Apostille of the birth certificates issued to them by the Registry Civilian in the U.S., if your children were born in the U.S. and you did not register his/her Mexican birth certificate.
If you do not have documents that prove your legal status, you must make a statement under protest of telling the truth and provide elements in order to verify your identity.
If you are a foreigner
You will have to pay the Visitor's Right without permission for Performing remunerated activities (DNR).
The DNR is the contribution that foreigners must pay when entering Mexico under the condition of stay: Visitor without permission to carry out remunerated activities, whose reason for travel is tourism, business or others, by air, sea and land internment, being the quota for the payment of the Right during the year 2020 of $575.00 (Five hundred seventy-five pesos 00/100 M.N.), by a person, which is updated annually on January 1st of each year.
When proving your Mexican nationality you DO NOT PAY DNR when entering or leaving the country.
If you are a foreigner, you will NOT pay DNR, if:
Your stay in Mexico is less than 7 days and you entered by land under the condition of a Visitor without permission to carry out paid activities (DNR) for tourism, business, or other trips. If you exceed 7 days, you will be charged the DNR when you leave the country.
You credit any condition of stay other than Visitor without Permission to Perform Paid Activities, such as Visitor with Permission to Perform Paid Activities; Border Worker; for adoption purposes; Temporary or Permanent Resident in Mexico.
Nor will these pay:
Persons authorized under agreements of cooperation or educational, cultural, and scientific exchange.
Children under 2 years old.
Aircraft and boat crew.
Foreign diplomatic persons or with official service visa.
How and where do foreigners pay the DNR?
If you are a foreigner traveling by air on a commercial flight, the international air transport company of passengers will make the payment within the cost of the airplane ticket.
If you travel by land, you will have to pay through the following options:
Credit or debit card:
You can pay in the INM's Migratory review filters through bank cards, it is very easy and fast (except American Express).
Ticket via internet
Go to the website of the National Institute of Migration:
Fill out the form and pay the Multiple Migratory Form (FMM) electronically by means of authorized debit or credit cards through the bank portal to which you are directed; it is important to print your payment receipt, as well as the FMM to obtain the validity stamp.
At the bank branch:
Any bank branch in the Northern Border of Mexico through the "Help Sheet" that you can obtain at:
And you must present the bank receipt of the payment to the immigration authority.
Banjercito's modules:
You don't need a Help Sheet, you just need to present the bank receipt of the payment to the immigration authority.
If you travel by sea, you can make the payment through the Internet, bank branch, or Banjercito modules to which you must present your FMM to obtain the validity stamp.
Many countries have imposed restrictions on people traveling from countries with COVID-19 cases, which could affect entry to or stopovers in the country you intend to visit. This is particularly the case in the United States and most European countries, which maintain entry restrictions on non-essential tourism and travel for third-country (i.e., non-EU) nationals.
For more information, consult the page of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the sites of the Embassies and Consulates in Mexico of the country you are interested in traveling to, since although there are similarities, each has established its own regulations and cases of exception to the restrictions.