Nuevo León has the largest cave art in Mexico

In terms of sites and rock art, the state of Nuevo Leon ranks first in Mexico and perhaps in the entire American continent.

Nuevo León has the largest cave art in Mexico
In terms of sites and rock art, the state of Nuevo Leon ranks first in Mexico and perhaps in the entire American continent.

In terms of sites and rock art, the state of Nuevo Leon ranks first in Mexico and perhaps in the entire American continent, stressed this afternoon the Doctor in Anthropology and Archeology Moises Valadez Moreno, specialist attached to the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) in the northern entity.

Valadez Moreno informed Notimex that regularly and following the colonizing discourse of the Spaniards who came to the New World, when speaking of a place where agriculture, architecture, and ceramics did not develop, "it is common to think that these were societies without social organization neither economic, without religion and in a few words, without culture ".

Interviewed on the occasion of his presentation "A corner of the Great Chichimeca: archaeology in Nuevo Leon", which is part of one of his subjects of study, the specialist stressed that as difficult as it may seem, many societies without agriculture, without permanent architecture and with little ceramics, they dominated the great empires, as history shows.

"It should be clear to us that the absence of agriculture, architecture or ceramics is not synonymous with the fact that a society was not socio-politically well organized, that it did not have an economy and that it lacked a complex ideology and religious beliefs, as was the case with societies Arabs, the fumes and the Mongols."

As part of the activities of the 40th International Book Fair in the Mining Palace (FILPM), the interviewee, who in the framework of the 80 years that meets the INAH, has made a recount of archeology Nuevo Leon, which currently has 30 years of uninterrupted work with several results that have enriched its history.

In recent years he has done an outstanding job, exploring a territory that was once considered desolate, which means that Nuevo León is much more than a thriving and industrial entity. He spoke of the pioneering studies of three decades ago, in the dawn of archaeology that opened a gap in lands where no archaeologist had walked.

"We were the first to arrive in Nuevo León to study land where people were sure there was nothing to study or discover. Because of the type of society, different from the others in Mexico, it was thought that the entity could not have history, above all, for not having architecture or ceramics or large constructions, "said Valadez Moreno.

As Nuevo León is characterized today by its people, iron to the degree of having dominated that region of the national geography, in the past there were populations that in a very important way subsisted for 10 thousand years in that hot and extreme place, but with several natural resources that allowed them to live there for so long.

"We have in Nuevo Leon the number one place in terms of rock sites throughout the country and probably in America. That is, we are the most important site of rock art in the whole country, "said the doctor and archaeologist, who finally said he was happy to have been invited to participate with his knowledge in the FILPM that will end on March 4.