Recognizing and Treating Childhood Depression

Childhood depression is rising, often undetected. Symptoms include isolation, irritability, and poor school performance. Caused by genetics and environment, it can lead to long-term issues. Early detection and treatment are crucial.

Recognizing and Treating Childhood Depression
Dropping out of school, consumption of illicit substances, unemployment, divorce, among the consequences of reaching older age.

Childhood depression has become a serious disorder that worsened during and after the pandemic; in most cases it goes unnoticed by family members, warned the academic of the Faculty of Psychology of UNAM, Karla Suárez Rodríguez.

During her participation in the sixth cycle of UNAMirada conferences from Psychology, the specialist commented that it is difficult to diagnose it because it generally does not occur alone, it comes hand in hand with others such as attention deficit, anxiety or behavioral problems, which often generates confusion. It has symptoms that are known as internalizing, which are more related to cognitive and emotional issues.