President López Obrador Reveals Savings Plan for Judicial Power

President López Obrador addressed transparency in Mexico's Judicial Power, environmental concerns in the Sonora River, vaccination campaigns, and the upcoming international migration meeting. He called for equity in resource allocation and criticized privilege in the judiciary.

President López Obrador Reveals Savings Plan for Judicial Power
President López Obrador highlights transparency in Mexico's Judicial Power during the morning conference.

The sun peeks over the National Palace, and as the clock strikes 7:14, the Morning Conference begins. Welcome to the world of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), where each day unveils a unique blend of insights and the occasional political curveball. This morning's installment, like a rich Mexican coffee, has left us with a heady mix of revelations and oddities.

Falsehoods and Lies

Ana Elizabeth García Vilchis, spokesperson for the 'Who's Who in the Lies of the Week,' began by shedding light on the cacophony of falsehoods and lies that have surrounded the Judicial Power recently. Various media outlets have been vociferously defending this branch of government due to the potential cancellation of 13 trusts and budget reductions. Vilchis was quick to emphasize that the rights of the 55,000 dedicated Judicial Branch workers remain secure, contrary to the rampant speculations.

The spokesperson went on to challenge claims made by columnist José Yuste and several media outlets. She insisted that Congress is seeking to slash the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nations (SCJN) budget by 31%, a claim she branded as unequivocally false.

Vilchis dropped a bombshell by revealing that Mexico is among the world's biggest spenders when it comes to the Judicial Power. In fact, she pointed out that minister salaries in Mexico surpass those of Canada and the United States. Furthermore, she highlighted a stark disparity between senior officials and operational personnel, with the former receiving a staggering 17 times more in salaries and privileges.

Of the 55,000 employees, just 1,700 enjoy certain food-related privileges. Vilchis underscored the potential for enormous savings through the cessation of trusts and by curbing the perks of “Senior Public Servants,” an amount that could exceed 13 billion pesos.

The Sonora River Cleanup

Turning the spotlight to environmental concerns, President López Obrador revealed that Grupo México had recently sent a letter to the Secretary of the Interior. The letter expressed its intention to engage in dialogue to address the critical issue of the Sonora Rivers contamination. This environmental catastrophe resulted from a toxic spill in 2014, and the business group is now eager to collaborate on a comprehensive and effective cleanup strategy. This forthcoming dialogue marks a renewed commitment to rectify past mistakes and ensure the water is safe to drink.

The Mayan Train Gains Momentum

With an air of triumph, the President announced the absence of any remaining injunctions against the Mayan Train construction, a monumental infrastructure project that aims to enhance connectivity and economic development in the region. While there may be some disagreements from citizens in Tijuana regarding its construction, the project remains one of paramount public interest.

Vaccination and Public Health

In a move to safeguard public health, the government has announced the simultaneous rollout of influenza and COVID-19 vaccinations next week. This proactive approach underscores the government's commitment to the well-being of its citizens.

Regional Cooperation on Migration

The President shed light on an upcoming multilateral meeting on migration, slated for next week in Palenque, Chiapas. Distinguished leaders from Latin American and Caribbean nations have already confirmed their participation, and this meeting, titled “For a Fraternal Neighborhood with Well-being,” seeks to collaboratively address the challenges posed by migratory flows to the United States. López Obrador took the opportunity to underscore the inhumanity of the economic blockade against Cuba, advocating for support to help those in need.

Privileges of the Judiciary

In a passionate address, President López Obrador questioned the fairness of defending the privileges enjoyed by the high-ranking officials of the Judicial Power. He emphasized that the budget allocated to the Supreme Court comes from the public purse, echoing the sentiment that “the most needy have more rights.” The President called for a reevaluation of the current allocation of resources, suggesting that the 15 billion pesos saved through the trust extinction could be distributed to each state, allowing the people to decide how the funds should be used.

Legislative Power 'Nullified'

The President called upon the legal community to scrutinize the constitutionality of apparent agreements between the Judicial Power and conservative legislators to challenge the cancellation of Judicial trusts. This unusual alliance threatens to nullify the Legislative Power, a situation that demands urgent legal consideration and scrutiny.

Tropical Storm 'Norma'

In the wake of the impending tropical storm 'Norma,' President López Obrador announced the preparation of a support mission to assist the population in Los Cabos, Baja California. As the storm threatens to make landfall, the government is proactively mobilizing resources to safeguard the well-being of citizens in the affected areas.

Looking Ahead

President López Obrador concluded the conference by announcing his attendance at the APEC 2023 leaders' meeting in San Francisco. He also expressed hopes to reach an agreement to prevent the privatization of a state radio station in Tlaxcala. The President celebrated the distribution of free textbooks in Chihuahua and reaffirmed the readiness for a woman to occupy the position of supreme commander of the Armed Forces.

The conference provided insights into the Mexican government's dedication to transparency, fiscal responsibility, environmental preservation, and equity in resource allocation. President López Obrador's commitment to addressing pressing issues underscores the administration's ongoing efforts to serve the Mexican people effectively.