Nine Lives and Two Police in Cuernavaca's Monday Mayhem
Cuernavaca's quiet streets turned into a Wild West battleground in a clash between authorities and civilians. Nine lives lost, two police down, and a haul of weapons. The town now awaits answers as investigators untangle the chaos.
In the wee hours of Monday, November 20, the usually tranquil neighborhoods of San Anton, Altavista, and Bellavista in the state capital of Morelos turned into a scene straight out of a spaghetti western. Picture this: an armed confrontation between the Secretariat of Citizen Protection and Assistance of Cuernavaca (Seprac) and a group of civilians, resulting in a showdown that would make Clint Eastwood raise an eyebrow.
Now, hold on to your sombreros because the Attorney General's Office of the State of Morelos has spilled the beans, and it's a tale that reads like a script from an action-packed movie.