Shorts Mexico: The Best Mexican Short Films of 2021
The International Short Film Festival of Mexico, sometimes known as Shorts Mexico, is the organization that is behind this particular TOP.
For the eighth consecutive year in Mexico, a list of the best national short films in the categories of fiction, animation, and documentary is made. This TOP is an initiative of the International Short Film Festival of Mexico/Shorts Mexico.
The festival is the only one of its kind in Mexico. Some of the objectives of Shorts Mexico/FICMEX are:
To exhibit, disseminate and promote national and international short films by new and established directors.
Decentralize the exhibition of short films in Mexico. This part is essential because the short films are shown on a national and international tour, in the case of foreign countries only national productions are shown so that the public in other countries can see Mexican productions.
Promote the production of short films. Promote interaction between the public and the producers of short films.
Reach and create new audiences. Due to the eagerness of the festival, new showcases are being sought, such as different exhibition forums, such as public transportation (Metro and Metrobus), and the outdoor screen of the National Auditorium, in addition to proposing programming to different public and pay television channels.
Promote training and cinematographic creation through conferences, workshops, seminars (covering all areas of filmmaking), contests, and competitions.
This chart takes into account its presence in national and international festivals, awards, comments from film critics and journalists, as well as people involved in the industry.
The Best Mexican Short Films of 2021
Live Action
El sueño más largo que recuerdo, by Carlos Lenin
Olote, by Lau Charles
Tierra, by Gustavo Gamero
Viral, by Laura A. Martínez Hinojosa
Bisho, by Pablo Giles
Soy hombre, by Juan Pablo Blanco
La oscuridad, by Jorge Sistos Moreno
Reina, by Ozan Mermer
Mi Mamá se fue con las vacas, by María José Ibarra Valdez
Tocar el cielo, by Marco Cano
Se llama flor, by Viridiana Pérez Ramírez
Al final, el mar, by Ana Karen Alva Medina
Invierno, by Luis Pacheco y Rafael Ruiz Espejo
Pacífico, by Christopher Sánchez
Cuatro Minutos, by Hugo Lara Chávez
Rondó por el placer, by Laura Miranda
Sweet Potates, by Rommel Villa
Carpe diem, by Alejandro Cárdenas Martínez
No, by Bruno Manguen Sapiña
Cassanova, by Danae Reynaud Romero y Daniel Carrera Pasternac
Al motociclista no le cabe la felicidad en el traje, by Gabriel Herrera
El encantador señor Brambila, by Irving Serrano
El triste, by Manuel Del Valle
Un lejano rumor de agua, by Ian B. Morales
Edén, by Tavo Ruíz
Oscuro bajo el sol, by Luis Armando Sosa Gil
La casa de la memoria, by Sofía Rosales Arreola
Beyond Space, by Beatriz Álvarez
La bestia, by José Ramiro Támez Valdéz, Marlijn Van Nuenen, Alfredo Gerard Kuttikatt
Mates, by Anna Alcalá (Aiden lynx)
Asperger a los 21, by Mauricio Ademir Ortega
La libertad interna, by Porfirio López Mendoza
Secretum, by Javier Gutiérrez Espinsa
An, by Manuel Estrada
Epidemia de melancolía, by Rodolfo Collado
Piggyback, by Karen Centella Sánchez
Crónicas de cuarentena, by Jair Alberto Torres Rodríguez
Tío, by Juan J. Medina
La odisea espeleológica by Sócrates, de Aria Covamonas
La libertad interna, by Porfirio López Mendoza
Mi edad, la tuya y la edad del mundo, by Fernanda Tovar
Obachan, by Nicolasa Ruiz Mendoza
Yollotl (Corazón), by Fernando Colín Roque
Buscando nos encontramos, by Montserrat Corona Villafuentes
Luces del desierto, by Félix Blume
Crónicas del subsuelo, by Daniel Noreña Burgos
Magali Lara en su taller, by Adriana Estrada Álvarez
Animales costeros, by Vania Quevedo
Oma, by Xabier Saavedra
Juan García Esquivel (El recuerdo de una trayectoria), by Antonio Bribiesca
Romina e Iván, by Balam Toscano
Sobrevivir o votar, by Edie Galván Villareal
La noche es nuestra, by Beatriz Betsabé Bautista
Aguas negras, by León Landázuri
Cuento para dormir fantasmas, by Indra Villaseñor Amador
No fim do mundo (In the End of the World), by Abraham Escobedo Salas
Finally, here we leave you the spot of his call for entries in 2021, remember to keep an eye on his work so you don't miss any detail.
Source: Procine