Surprise Recipe: Pineapple Stuffed with Shepherd's Pie

Discover a patriotic and healthy Mexican feast. Pineapple stuffed with shepherd's pie is a delicious fusion of flavors, showcasing the country's rich culinary heritage. Enjoy the sweetness of pineapple, the savory goodness of shepherd's pie, and the nutritional benefits of fresh ingredients.

Surprise Recipe: Pineapple Stuffed with Shepherd's Pie
Celebrate Mexico's rich heritage with this delicious and nutritious dish. Credit: Agricultura

As September unfolds, the spirit of independence fills the air in Mexico. To honor this vibrant and patriotic season, what better way than to prepare a dish that celebrates the country's rich culinary heritage? Introducing the Pineapple Stuffed with Shepherd’s Pie—a dish that marries tradition with a touch of quirky creativity. This recipe is not only a feast for the eyes but also a delightful celebration of fresh, nutritious ingredients sourced straight from the Mexican countryside.

Mexican cuisine is full of flavors, colors, and traditions from land’s bountiful harvests. From the ancient staples of corn, beans, and chilies to the exotic tropical fruits and fresh herbs, the variety of local ingredients has shaped a gastronomic culture that is as diverse as the country itself. In every bite of a Mexican dish, there’s a story of heritage, pride, and passion.

The star of this dish, the pineapple, is more than just a juicy, tropical fruit; it is a symbol of Mexico’s agricultural prowess. In 2023, Veracruz, Oaxaca, and Nayarit topped the list of pineapple-producing states, contributing significantly to the nation’s agricultural economy. These pineapples are a testament to the hardworking farmers who bring fresh produce to our tables, embodying the spirit of Mexican resilience and pride.

Not only does pineapple add a sweet, refreshing twist to the savory al pastor meat in this dish, but it’s also packed with health benefits. Rich in vitamin C, fiber, and bromelain, this fruit aids digestion, boosts immunity, and provides antioxidants that promote overall well-being. It’s the perfect canvas to showcase a blend of traditional and modern Mexican flavors.

Onion packs a punch with its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Onions not only add a layer of flavor but also contribute to heart health and immune support. A fresh herb often used in Mexican cuisine, cilantro is a powerhouse of vitamins C and K, and it’s loaded with antioxidants. Its bright, citrusy notes elevate any dish, providing a burst of flavor and nutrition.

Together, these ingredients not only enhance the dish's flavor profile but also reflect the health-conscious side of traditional Mexican cooking, where food is medicine, and every ingredient serves a purpose.

Pineapple Stuffed with Shepherd's Pie


  • 1 large pineapple
  • 500g al pastor meat
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • A bunch of fresh cilantro
  • Lemon to taste
  • Oaxacan Manchego cheese


  1. Prepare the Pineapple: Cut the pineapple in half lengthwise and hollow it out carefully, leaving a border of about 1 cm. Reserve the pulp for other culinary uses such as smoothies, salsas, or desserts. The hollowed pineapple serves as a natural, biodegradable bowl that adds both flavor and flair to the dish.
  2. Cook the Meat: In a skillet or on a grill, cook the al pastor meat until it’s beautifully browned and juicy. For an added punch of flavor, marinate the meat beforehand in a blend of traditional spices like achiote, garlic, and chili powder. This step infuses the meat with rich, smoky undertones that perfectly complement the sweetness of the pineapple.
  3. Stuff the Pineapple: Once the meat is cooked, stuff the hot al pastor into the hollowed pineapple halves, making sure it’s evenly distributed. This technique not only looks stunning but also allows the pineapple juices to mingle with the seasoned meat, creating a harmonious blend of sweet and savory.
  4. Gratinate with Cheese: Top the stuffed pineapples with generous amounts of Oaxacan Manchego cheese. Broil or bake until the cheese is melted, bubbly, and slightly golden. The cheese adds a creamy texture and a hint of saltiness, balancing the overall flavor profile.
  5. Garnish to Perfection: Garnish with freshly chopped onion, cilantro, and a few drops of lime juice. These fresh toppings add a burst of color, crunch, and zest, enhancing the dish’s flavor complexity.
  6. Serve and Enjoy: Serve the stuffed pineapple halves with warm corn tortillas, a variety of salsas, and a few leaves of papalo—a traditional Mexican herb with a peppery, aromatic flavor that elevates the dish. It’s a meal that invites sharing, conversation, and celebration.

This Pineapple Stuffed with Shepherd’s Pie isn’t just a dish; it’s an experience. It embodies the spirit of Mexican creativity, the pride of local produce, and the joy of sharing good food with loved ones. So, as you dig into this mouthwatering creation, know that you’re not just enjoying a meal—you’re savoring a slice of Mexico’s culinary heritage, one pineapple at a time. ¡Buen provecho!

Top Pineapple-Producing States of 2023

  1. Veracruz: Leading the charge with an impressive 840,317 tons, Veracruz is the pineapple powerhouse of Mexico. Its tropical climate and rich soil make it the ideal environment for growing this sweet and tangy fruit.
  2. Oaxaca: With a production of 177,917 tons, Oaxaca’s pineapples are a reflection of the region’s dedication to agriculture, adding to the rich tapestry of Mexican produce.
  3. Nayarit: Contributing 61,379 tons, Nayarit’s pineapples are known for their unique flavor profile, a testament to the diverse growing conditions across Mexico.

These states are more than just points on a map; they represent the heart and soul of Mexican agriculture, driving the nation’s culinary identity forward.