Tabasco Struggles with Severe Prison Overcrowding, Resorting to Reopening Inactive Facilities

Tabasco's prisons are severely overcrowded, ranking among Mexico's top ten. Facilities hold 4,196 inmates, far exceeding capacity. The Villahermosa prison is the most saturated, holding 477 more inmates than designed.

Tabasco Struggles with Severe Prison Overcrowding, Resorting to Reopening Inactive Facilities
Más Problemas! Tabasco's got a prison population problem. Looks like they're going back to Chontalpa. Hope they've got enough room for all those... personalities.

The state of Tabasco is grappling with a critical crisis in its penal system, as severe overcrowding plagues its detention centers. The crisis has reached such a point that authorities are resorting to reactivating previously shuttered facilities, including the Estación Chontalpa prison, in an attempt to alleviate the strain.

The dire situation is reflected in the official figures. Tabasco ranks among the top ten states in Mexico for prison overcrowding, according to Governor Javier May Rodríguez. “Right now the state is among the first 10 in the entire country in this issue,” he stated.