The Best of Mexicanist Newsletter 16/2024

From the ancient mysteries of Teotihuacan to the modern challenges of human trafficking, the Mexicanist newsletter offers a diverse look at this fascinating country. Discover the vibrant culture, stunning landscapes, and rich history of Mexico.

The Best of Mexicanist Newsletter 16/2024
Feeling the wind in your hair and the thrill in your heart. ¡Adrenaline rush! ⛰️💨

From the rudest city to the sweetest chocolate, Mexico's got it all! This month, we're diving into the depths of Mexican culture, from ancient ruins to the latest scientific breakthroughs. Discover the truth behind the "rudest city" myth, explore the stunning natural beauty of Mexico, and even learn how cows can help fight climate change (with a dash of lemon). Get ready for a wild ride through Mexico's rich history, vibrant traditions, and surprising quirks. ¡Vamos!