The countries with the most vacations in the world

The United Kingdom, Luxembourg, and Austria are the countries in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) that have the most days off for vacation.

The countries with the most vacations in the world
The nations in which tourists take the most vacations each year. Photo by Raphael Nogueira / Unsplash

Rest days or vacations are a legal requirement and a right for all workers of a company or business, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Mexico is in the last position of the countries with the most vacation days offered to its employees.

This minimum period differs among OECD countries: from 6 days in Mexico (the lowest) to 25 days in some European countries..." referred to in the document "Right to a decent vacation" by the Gilberto Bosques Center of the Senate.

Which are the countries with the most vacations in the world?

The member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) that offer the highest number of vacation days per year are:

In the United Kingdom 28 days
Luxembourg, 26 days
Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, and Sweden for 25 days
Iceland and Malta 24 hours
Spain and Portugal 22 days
Norway, 21 days

OECD member countries that grant 20 days off per year:

Czech Republic
New Zealand

Vacations in OECD member countries are less than 10 days per year:

Chile and South Korea 15 days
Israel and Turkey for 12 days
10 days in Canada, Japan, and Costa Rica
Mexico 6 days

Brazil is an example of a country in Latin America with a long vacation period. It has a 30-day period, but it is important to keep in mind that it is based on absences from work and that the number of days does not increase with seniority.

According to Mario López Roldán, representative of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in Latin America,"... Mexico is one of the countries in the world with the lowest number of guaranteed vacations in labor legislation, in contrast to the rest of the Latin American countries, where the average is 16 days."

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Mexico has a prevalence of stress of 75 percent in its workforce, which places it in first place among economies in the world, such as China or the United States.

According to figures, Mexico is also the country that works the most hours in the world. On average, Mexicans work 2,124 hours a year, while the average is 1,687 hours a year among the countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), according to figures.

How many vacation days are there by law in Mexico?

According to Mexico's Federal Labor Law, Article 76 states that workers are entitled to 6 days of vacation when they have completed one year of seniority, and that number will increase by two working days, reaching twelve, for each subsequent year, until the fourth year of seniority. After that, the period increases by two days for every five years of service. Article 77 says that a worker's vacation time is based on how many days he or she worked during the year.

To better understand these vacation periods, we will say that: at the end of the first year of work, the worker is entitled to 6 days of vacation; at the end of the second year, 8 days; at the end of the third year, 10 days; at the end of the fourth year, 12 days; at the end of the fifth year, 14 days; at the end of the tenth year, 16 days; at the end of the fifteenth year, 18 days, and so on.

A proposal to increase vacation days in Mexico

The initiative presented by the representative of Movimiento Ciudadano, Patricia Mercado, proposes to double the annual paid vacation period provided for in the Federal Labor Law, from the current six days to a minimum of 12 days of paid vacation as of the first year.