The LXV Legislature's Impact on Human Rights

The LXV Legislature, a milestone in Mexican political history, enacted significant reforms focusing on human rights, particularly for children and women. It achieved unprecedented parity, fostered dialogue, and addressed issues like gender-based violence and child protection.

The LXV Legislature's Impact on Human Rights
They said it couldn't be done... but the LXV Legislature proved them wrong!

The LXV Legislature, a milestone in Mexican political history, has concluded its tenure, leaving behind a trailblazing legacy that promises to shape the nation's trajectory for years to come. Characterized by a unprecedented commitment to plurality, parity, inclusion, and diversity, this legislative body has enacted a series of reforms aimed at bridging the yawning chasm of inequality and discrimination, while simultaneously bolstering fundamental human rights.

One of the most significant achievements of the LXV Legislature was its groundbreaking establishment of absolute gender parity within the Chamber of Deputies. This landmark accomplishment, a first in the annals of Mexican politics, garnered widespread international acclaim and resonated deeply with the nation's demographic reality, where women constitute 52% of the population. The LXV Legislature, aptly dubbed "the Legislature of Parity," exemplified a steadfast commitment to equity and representation, setting a new standard for political discourse and governance.