Two Students Killed in Police Chase in Michoacán

Two students from a rural normal school in Michoacán were shot by police during a chase. The incident sparked protests from other students who vandalized and set fire to vehicles. The state government is investigating the shooting.

Two Students Killed in Police Chase in Michoacán
Burned vehicles and shattered glass mark the scene of a violent protest in Michoacán. Credit: CuartoPoder Michoacán

Michoacán. Land of beautiful vistas, delicious cuisine, and—if you happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time—occasional chaos, complete with high-speed chases, trigger-happy law enforcement, and masked students with a penchant for setting things on fire. This time, the scene is set on the Morelia-Pátzcuaro highway, where what should have been a quiet Sunday morning turned into something straight out of an action film. Except, it wasn’t a movie. No, this was very real, and it all began with a simple Ford F150 truck.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, a humble truck. A workhorse of Mexican agriculture, but in this case, the poor vehicle belonged to an agrochemical company and, more importantly, had been reported stolen. Enter the Morelia Municipal Police, tasked with recovering said truck and—if they could manage it—restoring a semblance of order to Michoacán’s rugged roads. That, of course, is when things took a decidedly less peaceful turn.