Why Bees Matter More Than You Think

Bees are crucial for food production and ecosystem balance. Despite their importance, bee populations are declining due to human activities. Mexico is a major honey exporter but domestic consumption is low.

Why Bees Matter More Than You Think
Despite its benefits, each Mexican consumes only 200 grams of honey per year. This is despite the fact that the country is one of the “top ten” exporters of the product. August 17 is the national day of these insects.

Without bees, there is no pollination, and without it, there is no food for humans and animals. Despite the importance of these insects, the United Nations Organization warns that 40 percent of invertebrate pollinators, including butterflies, could be facing a critical moment, among other causes due to the use of pesticides, says the academic of the Cuautitlán Faculty of Higher Studies, UNAM, Tonatiuh Alejandro Cruz Sánchez.

On the occasion of National Bee Day, which is commemorated on August 17, he emphasizes that 80 percent of the products we consume to feed ourselves originate thanks to the intervention, in one way or another, of these hymenoptera: cucumber, melon, watermelon, pumpkin, avocado (the “green gold” of our country), strawberry, mango, apple, citrus, among others.